Skin Rash

A skin rash can be a symptom of a variety of other conditions and it can also prove to be a condition all on its own.

Although it is not always the case, skin rashes are commonly red and raised in appearance and may impact any part of the body.

The symptoms and exact appearance of a skin rash will vary based on the underlying cause.

Hives, for example, may appear as large, itchy red bumps on the body. Chicken pox rashes are raised, puss filled bumps that can itch and even cause some pain.

The causes of common skin rashes run the gamut. They can include such things as allergies, infections, hereditary conditions, overexposure to the sun and more.

Treatment for skin rashes is often dependent on the cause and the symptoms present. Medical intervention may be required for some skin rashes.

In many cases, however, natural cures and home remedies can make a difference. How to remove skin rash symptoms will hinge greatly on the cause, however.

Natural Cures For Skin Rashes:

Over-The-Counter Medications:

Calamine lotion, anti-itch creams and even anti-inflammatory medications and ointments can serve as home remedies for many types of skin rash.

These may not actually cure the condition, but they can lessen symptomatic problems.


Among the more common home remedies for rashes is the use of uncooked oatmeal.

Taking an oatmeal bath can sooth symptoms related to skin rashes and ease discomfort.

About one cup of uncooked oats to a tub of warm or cool water is recommended. Avoid the use of hot water as it can make itching worse.

Baking Soda:

Natural cures that involve this common household product can prove very helpful for many rashes.

When baking soda is worked into a paste with a little bit of water and is applied directly to a rash it can help lessen itching and other symptoms.


If skin rashes are associated with dry skin, moisturizing lotions can prove useful. Make sure to select lotions that are not perfumed or dyed.


To get rid of skin rash symptoms, this plant can help. Aloe can be taken directly from the plant, purchased in gel form and also found in many medicinal lotions and creams.

Trigger Avoidance:

Known allergens, certain types of plants, wool and other irritants can trigger rashes in some people.

Steering clear of these things can work well as a natural cure and preventative both.