Sinus Infections

Many people tend to confuse the symptoms of a cold with sinus infections. It makes sense as they can be quite similar, but oftentimes if you have suffered from sinus infections then you are familiar with just how painful and miserable they can be.

Oftentimes the common cold may linger and manifest into this type of infection. For those that either don’t get relief in a timely manner or who happen to be more prone to sinus infections, this type of infection may seem inevitable.

These can leave you down for the count as they make your head feel like it’s pounding, your throat feel like it’s closed up, and you feel as if you’ll never be able to breathe properly again.

If you aren’t sure or if you’ve had symptoms of a cold or the flu that have been lingering for quite some time, then it’s wise to seek medical attention. Even if your symptoms seem unbearable or won’t go away no matter what you do, this may be the time to see a doctor to determine what’s going on.

If it’s a cold or virus, then there’s not much to do. However when it comes to sinus infections directly, there are some great methods available to help. One can turn to any number of medications to help them breathe again and get back to normalcy.

In addition to these helpful medications, there also happen to be some great home remedies for sinus infections. These can alleviate your symptoms and may help you get back on your feet quickly.

Home Remedies for Sinus Infections:

White Sage:

Some know of white sage as a helpful herb, but in this instance it is to be used in smoke form. Burning the actual white sage herb may be the best help towards a home remedy for sinus infections.

It helps to reduce the amount of mucous present and helps to ward off any virus that may be present or in the air. Therefore white sage may be well worth trying in this form.


We know that onion works quite well in cooking and as a natural cure for so many things. In this instance, it is to be used as a poultice.

Many believe that taking an onion and wrapping it in gauze forms the basis of an excellent home remedy for sinus infections.

Here you would wrap this around your neck while you sleep, and it will help to naturally relieve your symptoms and get rid of the infection altogether.