Remove Stretch Marks

You are not alone if you face those small lines that run across your abdomen.  Most women will, at some time or another face stretch marks. 

There are a few great methods to remove stretch marks from your skin, but there is not a 100% effective method. 

In many cases, stretch marks are in place for a lifetime.  Yet, you can learn to prevent them as well as to ease the look that they have on your body.  In some cases, you can even remove stretch marks effectively.

Stretch marks on the body are caused by the skin stretching.  The most common reason for them is due to pregnancy but any weight gain can be behind them. 

The skin needs to expand to handle the growth of the baby.  The breasts will expand to handle the need for milk production.  Since the skin can not grow as fast and easily as the growth within is requiring, the stretch marks happen.

Stretch marks will start out as red lines in the area where the skin is being stretch.  They are commonly found on the breasts and abdomen.  They can also be found on the legs, arms and other areas as well. 

The red marks will soon turn to white marks and finally to flesh colored marks on the skin.  In most cases, they do not hurt, but can itch or be slightly uncomfortable while they are appearing.

Home Remedies To Remove Stretch Marks

Natural Cures For Stretch Marks

There are a number of good home remedies for stretch marks.  It is very difficult for those marks to be completely erased, but you can still improve the look of them with a home remedy or two.


The best natural cure for stretch marks is prevention, of course!  If you are pregnant, consider doing exercises and toning movements to help your body to avoid stretch marks altogether.  Remember to get your doctor’s okay before doing this, though.  Once you have stretch marks, this natural cure can also be helpful as exercise can help to minimize the markings on your body considerably.

Cocoa Butter

For a home remedy to get rid of stretch marks, consider cocoa butter.  Apply it directly to the area that you want to remove stretch marks from, rub in several times per week or daily.  You can also substitute elastin cream for this procedure.  You can find this at your local health store.


Natural cures can come from the foods you eat too.  Or, supplement your diet with the nutrients it needs. 

Web MD recommends that Vitamin C is helpful is reducing stretch marks, and it is easy to increase the amount of Vitamin C that you consume. 

Also, increase the amount of lean protein you get, this will help you remove stretch marks by encouraging natural skin growth in the area.