Relieve Gas

Gas can be a really embarrassing and frustrating problem. Though many people don’t tend to think of it as such, it can actually be a real health problem.

An occasional occurrence of gas is totally normal and is often related to the foods we eat or the way our gastrointestinal system works.

Gas here and there is really nothing to be concerned about, but if it is happening often or if it is associated with other symptoms then it can be problematic and something more serious.

Those who want to find relief for gas in a timely manner it’s important to know what to do, so that if you find yourself in an embarrassing predicament you can get help quickly and effectively.

Fortunately there are many over-the-counter medications and they can actually provide relief. If the problem is more serious, then your doctor may prescribe some sort of medication that can bring you some relief.

It can also be quite helpful to know about the home remedies that help relieve gas and get you back to your normal self before you are embarrassed.

Natural Cures to Relieve Gas:


Ginger is so helpful to so many different gastrointestinal problems. Not only can it help to soothe an upset stomach, but it can also be of great help in passing gas quickly.

If you want to use ginger as a home remedy to relieve gas, you may want to try a supplement to get started. Using a ginger pill, powder, or even fresh ginger slices may help to get rid of the problem quickly.

Fennel Seeds:

So many of us know fennel for the flavor that it brings to our food, but it can also be a very effective herbal supplement as well.

Chewing on fennel seeds just after a meal can work quite well as a home remedy for relieving gas. If you want to get the best effect out of this method, be sure to keep the fennel seeds on hand and chew them immediately following a meal.

This will not only help to prevent gas, but will also work quite well to prevent bloating as well.

Chamomile Tea:

We know that drinking a cup of chamomile tea can be calming and can even help promote sleep.

However chamomile tea may also be helpful in removing and helping us to expel the gas that may be trapped within our bellies.

Drinking chamomile tea or taking some sort of chamomile herbal supplement just after a meal can work quite well as a home remedy to relieve gas.