Poison Ivy

Prevention is the best natural cure for poison ivy, but that isn’t always possible. One way to keep yourself free of a poison ivy break out is to remember a very old saying “Leaves of three, let it be.”

Poison ivy, a ground plant that has clusters of three leaves together. The leaves are typically glossy and rounded.

Most people are allergic to this ivy plant and when they come in contact with the leaves, the oils stick to the skin and cause a reaction of swelling, itching and redness.

If you find you have been struck with poison ivy, there are a number of popular home remedies that will relieve the itch and speed up healing.

Home Remedies For Poison Ivy:


Water is the most elementary of the poison ivy home remedies. Rinse the exposed are with water as soon as you can. Cold water is best for getting the oil residue from the poison ivy plant off your skin.

Rubbing Alcohol:

If you have access to rubbing alcohol within 15 minutes of your exposure, rinse the area with rubbing alcohol.

Baking Soda:

For under a dollar, you can pick up a box of baking soda from the grocery store. Take it home and pour all of it – about 2 cups – into the tub as you run warm water for a bath.

Soak in the baking soda water for as long as you are comfortable. The soda will leach out the poison ivy from your skin. Continue taking baking soda baths until the poison ivy is gone.

If you don’t feel like a full-blown baking soda bath, you can apply a paste of baking soda or cornstarch and water. Let it set on the area for a while, until it becomes dry. This should also leach out some of the toxins.

Aloe Vera:

If you don’t already have an aloe plant in your home, get one. These are great for all kinds of skin irritations, including poison ivy. Just cut the tip off one of the tendrils and rub on the poison ivy exposed skin.


If you are lucky enough to have access to a swimming pool or spa that’s been treated with chlorine, now is a great time to take a dip. The chlorine will help dry out the exposure. This is a fun way to naturally cure poison ivy, kids love this home remedy.

Tea, Please:

Not tea to drink, but a tea bag “bath” for the wound. Steep a plain tea bag in hot water for a moment, (so that it is saturated) then apply it and compress it on the exposure. Be sure to dispose of the tea bag after it has been in contact with the poison ivy.

Fruit Cures:

Some natural cures of poison ivy include the application of lemons, watermelon, oranges or banana skins to the effected area.