Peptic Ulcer

A peptic ulcer is a lesion in the inner lining of the stomach and the adjoining intestinal tract. Without even knowing exactly what it is or having a proper diagnosis, it is known for being extremely painful.

Though the symptoms and the actual location of a peptic ulcer may vary slightly, the one common resounding complaint is that it causes a sharp and rather severe pain.

The individual suffering from this condition usually has a rather difficult time in digesting their food. They may find that certain foods or circumstances act as triggers and cause even more excruciating pain.

It can be helpful to take a look at the things that may cause more pain and discomfort. Common triggers are stress, alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, and even smoke.

Whatever the cause of a peptic ulcer or how severe the lesion may be, it is highly recommended to seek medical attention.

It’s very important to get a proper diagnosis as the pain and abdominal discomfort can be associated with many different conditions as well.

There are some medications that can be quite helpful in dealing with this condition, particularly in relieving the pain.

It’s good to know that there are some excellent home remedies for a peptic ulcer that are easy to integrate into everyday life.

Home Remedies for Peptic Ulcer:


There is a secret component found in bananas that can help to act as a very effective home remedy for a peptic ulcer.

It’s not known exactly what the property is, but eating bananas is said to help in neutralizing the acid in the stomach and therefore helping to relive the pain.

It is recommended that individuals suffering from this condition eat at least 1-2 bananas on a daily basis, and perhaps increase their intake if their symptoms flare up at all.


Though many people look to cabbage as a source for gastrointestinal discomfort, if taken properly it can help to provide great relief for this condition.

Boiling some cabbage in water forms the basis for this powerful concoction. The water drained from this mixture is then cooled and consumed twice a day.

Though it can be rather potent, this cabbage juice acts as an excellent home remedy for a peptic ulcer.

Goats Milk:

It may not sound too appealing, but it can bring great relief in raw form.

It is believed that goat milk not only helps to relieve the symptoms but can even help to cure this condition altogether.

Drinking a glass of goat milk three times a day is believed to be one of the most natural and effective cures for a peptic ulcer.