
Parasites are minute organisms that can enter a human by transfer from another human, from animals, birds, you can also get parasites from water and unclean food.

Parasites range in size from microscopic single-celled organisms to worms that you can easily see.

Humans can get many illnesses from parasites that range in severity from mild discomfort, to debilitating illness, and possibly death.

There are many natural remedies that can help in the treatment of parasites. But it is very important to know how you can avoid getting parasites in the first place. It is important to avoid eating raw or undercooked beef, pork, fish and chicken.

It is also important to wash all fruits and vegetables and make sure that you don’t eat watercress or water chestnuts without cleaning them completely. Mountain water that has not been purified should also be avoided.

Natural Remedies for Parasites:

Avoid Sweets:

Parasites thrive on carbohydrates and sugar along with any foods that are easily assimilated. If you are trying to cleanse yourself of parasites it is important to avoid sweets, alcohol, or items like potatoes.

Great Foods:

There are some foods that will assist you when trying to get rid of parasites. Parasites thrive in an alkaline environment. Therefore if you can keep your digestive system on the acidic side while you are trying to eliminate parasites, it will help the process.

This means drinking cranberry juice, diluted apple cider vinegar, or lemon water will help. To dilute apple cider vinegar use 2 tablespoons to eight ounces of water. Other great foods that can help control parasites include pomegranates, garlic, pumpkin seeds, and calmyrna figs.


Bitter digestive tonic herbs like wormwood and wormwood combinations are used to paralyze and kill parasites in the digestive tract. Wormwood will also help in controlling parasitic eggs while at the same time improving digestive secretions which provide a natural protection against parasite overgrowth.

Wormwood will also help the body eliminate faster, ridding the body of the toxins created by the parasites.

Wormwood is especially effective against roundworms. It will help kill parasites, reduce mucus in the body, and promote bowel movement and urination. Wormwood will also clear toxins from the blood, liver, and gall bladder while toning the stomach and digestive muscles.


Garlic is a great, historic natural remedy for parasites. It is able to kill parasites and control secondary fungal infections. Garlic is also a great way to detoxify and gently stimulate elimination of the parasites. The antioxidant properties in garlic will protect against oxidation than can be caused by parasitic toxins.