Old Home Remedies

Throughout history, there have been many natural cures that have been discovered to treat almost every ailment that exists.

These natural cures rely on using safe and natural products such as food, vitamins and herbs to treat illnesses and injuries.

Many families have a home remedy or natural cure that has been passed down from generation to generation that is treasured for its simplistic and effective nature.

It is always wise to consult a doctor for any medical problems, but it is also wise to know that many natural cures exist that successfully treat common ailments.

Natural Cures using Old Home Remedies:

Read more to find a natural cure or home remedy for your needs below.

Instant Cough Remedy:

Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice directly on the back of the throat.

This natural cure is especially effective right before bedtime.

Poison Ivy Cure:

Rub an automotive hand degreaser on the affected area to clear up poison ivy irritation.

Skunk Smell:

If you or a pet has been sprayed by a skunk, then immediately wash the hair and body in canned tomato juice.

The acids in tomatoes can effectively remove the pungent odor.

Teething Cure:

Teething can be a tough time for both infants and their parents.

An effective home remedy for teething pain is to soak a washcloth in water and then store it in the freezer.

After it is frozen, let the infant chew on it until it melts.

Balding Home Remedy:

Taking emu oil supplements has been said to reduce hair loss in men.

Another home remedy is to rub coconut oil into the scalp on a daily basis.

How to Get Rid of Slugs:

Many people use salt to ward slugs off from their gardens, but a kinder way is to place pennies around your garden in 4 inch increments.

The copper affects their slime coating and they tend to stay well away.

Home Remedy for Yellow Grass:

Sprinkle epsom salts onto the lawn and water with a sprinkler to replace dead, yellow grass with healthy green grass.

Acne Home Remedy:

Soak 2 cups of brown rice in water overnight. The next day, drain the rice and place it in the blender.

Blend well and squeeze the juice of one lemon in.

Mix well and apply as a face mask.

Leave it on for at least 30 minutes.

The rest of the mixture can be stored in the freezer and defrosted as needed.

Do this every day and the acne should start to clear up within 1 week.