
Herbal remedies, natural cures, or folk remedies for nausea, abound. Nausea is abdominal discomfort or queasiness that may be accompanied by vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are common, especially in children, but prolonged nausea and vomiting can lead to dehydration or malnutrition. Natural remedies, home cures, and common sense remedies can only treat the symptom of nausea and vomiting, the reason for any prolonged nausea or vomiting needs to be determined by a licensed medical practitioner, and treated.

Nausea can be caused by medications, certain foods, food poisoning, pregnancy, motion sickness, and other conditions. The first common sense cure, is to avoid foods, and drink as much fluid as possible to prevent the possibility of dehydration, and, for children, special fluids containing a proper balance of electrolytes, is the preferred form of liquid intake. If nausea persists, over the counter anti emetics, or medications to prevent nausea and vomiting may be used.

Home Remedies For Nausea:

The BRAT Diet:

Doctors and nurses have long recommended the “Brat” diet following nausea and vomiting. The brat diet is effective after the initial phase, when only liquids are consumed, and consists of Bananas, Rice Cereal, Applesauce, and Toast, considered bland and safe to be gradually introduced into the diet following illnesses causing nausea and vomiting.

Herbal Remedies:

If you are nauseated, try sipping on a cup of Chamomile tea, with honey and ground ginger. For morning sickness, a cup of chamomile tea and a ginger snap first thing when you awaken is said to stop the morning sickness, and allow you to get on with your daily activities.

Green tea, steeped with a cinnamon stick, is said to be calming to an upset stomach, to prevent nausea.

Mint tea, peppermint, or peppermint caplets are said to calm nausea, whether it is from morning sickness or other ailments. A tea of cloves, or a clove held in the mouth is said to dissipate nausea. Black cohosh is a good home remedy for nausea, but care should be taken when pregnant women use black cohosh, as it has been associated with cardiac arrest in babies and fetuses.

Licorices, tincture of licorice, or licorice tea, are good home remedies for nausea.

Tincture of Sundew, or drosera rotundifolia, is an antispasmodic used to prevent nausea. It should be taken in small doses of six to 12 drops, three times a day, in water, juice, or under the tongue.