Muscle Injury

It’s inevitable at some point in our lives, we sustain some sort of muscle injury. It may be due to a specific activity or related to the lifestyle we live. Whatever the cause, it can put a strain on the body.

One of the more common ways of getting muscle injuries is to pull a muscle, just from moving about, often unrelated to activities, or just from aging. Though we sometimes can’t do much in the way of preventing a muscle injury, it can be beneficial to know how to contend with it.

If you are worried about the extent of a muscle injury, then it may be a good idea to seek medical attention. Beyond that, there are some excellent over-the-counter medications which can work.

You may also turn to a whole host of home remedies for muscle injuries, which may get rid of the pain and help to heal the source much faster.

Home Remedies for a Muscle Injury:


Whether you realize it or not, you may get a muscle injury due to a lack of calcium. If you suffer such an injury on a repeated basis, or throughout the middle of the night as it begins as a muscle cramp, then this may be the source.

It can be quite helpful to turn to calcium as a home remedy for a muscle injury. This may help get to the source and alleviate the strain that is causing the cramping and pain.


Turning to garlic works well because it has natural anti-inflammatory properties, this is exactly what you need if the injured area is swollen.

Garlic works as a home remedy for muscle injury because it gets to the root cause of the pain and discomfort and easily alleviates it. This may help to take away any pain and swelling, and of course will allow you to get back to normal a whole lot faster.


We’ve probably all heard it a million times, but putting heat on the actual injury can work quite well.

By applying heat directly to the source of the problem this works as a home remedy for a muscle injury as it helps to calm and soothe the tight or hurt muscle that is causing the pain.