
For those that suffer from migraines, they can be debilitating and extremely painful. Usually these affect one side of the head but the symptoms, frequency, and intensity varies from one patient to another.

For individuals that get migraines, there can be an extreme sensitivity to light and even noises. These extreme headaches can come on quite suddenly and can cause an individual to feel sick and have difficulty just getting out of bed.

Some people may suffer from migraines on a fairly regularly basis and they may be more prone to them with stress or even the onset of a menstrual cycle. They may be associated with more serious health disorders or just a standalone and very serious problem.

For those who suffer from migraines on a very regular basis, it can be recommended to seek medical attention.

It’s quite important for individuals to be checked out to be sure that there is nothing more serious going on or that the onset of these very serious and awful headaches are associated with another health condition.

There are some helpful medications out on the market that bring people great relief, and this is often a part of the treatment plan for many individuals.

Avoiding certain foods or making lifestyle changes can be highly recommended as well.

To help those who suffer from these, it can be quite helpful to know that there are some excellent home remedies for migraines.

Home Remedies for Migraines:


Such a common household fruit can serve as an excellent home remedy for migraines. It’s quite helpful to take a bunch of ripe grapes and then grind them into a natural juice.

Then it’s important to drink this juice that is formed without adding anything at all.

Drinking this first thing in the morning can provide some fast and much needed relief from migraines once and for all.

Cabbage Leaves:

We’ve seen cabbage turn up before as a great natural cure and here it shows some healing properties again. This time using the leaves of the cabbage serves as an excellent home remedy for migraines.

Crushing up some fresh cabbage leaves and putting that in cloth to form a compress is an effective measure.

Holding this compress to the head and the actual site where the migraine derives from can allow the individual to get some relief from the pain and to feel much better very quickly.

Orange and Water Diet:

Many people believe that the onset of these serious headaches are due to a buildup of toxins and chemicals within the body.

Therefore trying out a fast where one consumes nothing more than oranges and water for 2-3 days can work quite well in moving any toxins out the body.

It is recommended that one starts this at the onset of such a headache to get the best use out of this home remedy for migraines.