Migraine Relief

Migraines are serious health and disability problems for approximately 32 million Americans. Caused by vascular dilation in the brain, and aggravated by hormone fluctuations, more women than men have migraines, and there is a genetic link, or predisposition, for migraine sufferers.

There is no cure for migraines, only treatments for the symptoms. Common sense measures like avoiding light, cool compresses on the back of the neck, or the forehead help control migraines. Migraines typically present with visual auras or blank spots in vision, and nausea. Ginger ale, in a dark room, works well to calm the nausea and disorientation from the visual disturbances.

Home cures and natural remedies have had far better success in combating the symptoms of migraines than medical science has.

Migraine Myths:

There is no condition more rife with myths and misinformation than migraines. During an acute attack, migraines are debilitating. Not only do they interfere with daily life, they are life-threatening. More people died of migraine related strokes last year than died of gun shot wounds. The World Health Organization (WHO) names migraines as a “global public health calamity” and sufferers everywhere know this is true. WHO also recognizes migraines as one of the top twenty causes of years of healthy life being lost to a disability.

Home Remedies For Migraine Relief:


As a migraine sufferer, I have long known about the benefits of caffeine consumption as a natural remedy for migraine sufferers. I have actually been given coffee, or other caffeine rich drinks, in emergency rooms, to sip on while I waited. Over the counter headache remedies that contain caffeine also work well to hold a migraine at bay.


Most migraine sufferers are magnesium deficient, and magnesium has been known as a home cure that will stop migraines in their tracks. Simply taking magnesium tablets or a tablespoon of magnesium can halt a migraine in its tracks.

Correlation Between Foods And Food Additives:

Avoiding aspartame, and any brand name sweeteners containing aspartame, and paying close attention to what you have eaten before you get a migraine, can help narrow down the possibility that your migraine headaches are food or chemically related. A home remedy to alleviate migraines can be as simple as a dietary change. Keeping a food and activity diary can help you determine if there is a pattern in your activity, food consumption, or exposure to certain chemicals (even household chemicals) that can trigger a migraine headache.