Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear.

A change in inner pressure causes a build up of fluid in the estuation tubes, which causes dizziness, a slight loss of hearing temporarily, and in some cases gradual permanent loss of hearing is experienced over time.

Although, that prognosis of possible permanent hearing loss is grim there is no need to become discouraged. Without a doubt there is a natural cure or home remedy that will help with the symptoms.

The most disturbing symptom of Meniere’s disease is a constant ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus. The ringing in the ears will stop once the attack has passed.

Although, the feelings of dizziness or vertigo can continue for a few day after the attack. An attack can last a few minutes to a few hours. A pattern of attacks has been established in many people who suffer from Meniere’s.

While I realize it is not very comforting to know an attack is lurking nearby, it does give some people the opportunity to mental and physically prepare for it, which is beneficial in reducing the stress and anxiety associated with the condition.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Meniere’s disease. However, over time the condition has been known to become dormant and disappear all together, never to be heard from again.

This is without a doubt the best natural cure available, compliments of Mother Nature.

There are several natural cures and home remedies which will help relieve the symptoms.

Natural Cures for Menier's Disease:


Lower your salt intake, salt causes fluid build up. Limit or avoid fatty and greasy foods. Reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake.

Eat fresh vegetables and fruits such as peas, celery, grapefruits and pineapples. These fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that will help combat the disease.


Meniere’s disease is associated with stress as one of the main triggers. So lowering your stress levels with yoga, mediation, relaxation techniques and quality “me” time are great ways to get rid of the symptoms.

Herbal Remedies:

1000 mg. of magnesium will relieve the ringing in your ears as well as protect the ears from permanent hearing loss and damage.

A daily dose of a vitamin B complex consisting of B1, B6 and B12 will help keep your stress under control.

Ginkgo biloba extract and fenugreek tea have both been proven to be beneficial in treating the symptoms during an attack.

Additional Treatments:

Acupressure - By pressuring on the meridian associated with the inner ear you can reduce or eliminate the symptoms during an attack.

Acupuncture - Has also been proven to eliminate Meniere’s disease. Usually three or four treatments are required before complete relief is noticed.

Reflexology - By gently massaging the meridian or trigger point on the hands or feet you can stop an attack yourself.