Low Blood Pressure

Many people think of high blood pressure, or hypertension, as a real problem and it is. At the other end of the spectrum however is low blood pressure, or hypotension, and this can wreak havoc on the body and the organs that keep us running.

In this condition, the heart is often weak as it tries to push the blood through the system in a forced manner. This can cause the individual to have some real problems or can often be attributed to another very serious health condition.

Some people may find that they have low blood pressure throughout their lives that they just need to monitor from time to time. Others may find a drop in their pressure as a result of some other factor.

Whatever the cause for the low blood pressure, it’s always a good idea to seek medical attention if you suspect this problem.

The symptoms can range from dizziness and fainting to lethargy to more serious problems such as internal bleeding in extreme cases.

It’s important for a doctor to determine what your normal baseline blood pressure should be and keep track of any sudden drops. They may also wish to put you on a treatment plan that may very well involve medication to help with the problem.

If that’s the case, it may be helpful to know that there are some wonderful home remedies for low blood pressure that can be sought out and used effectively.

Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure:


This is a rather simple cure but a highly effective home remedy for low blood pressure.

In this application, the patient should drink a cup of the juice from a raw beetroot each and every day for the best results.

Oftentimes the patient will see better results in as soon as a week’s time.


While patients who have an elevated pressure are told to stay away from salty foods, just the opposite is recommended to patients with low blood pressure.

Eating salt or salty foods is highly recommended and actually encouraged as a home remedy for low blood pressure.

Eating salt or foods that contain higher amounts of it will help to regulate the pressure and get things back to normal.

Panthothenic Acid:

Though certain nutrients such as Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex are quite helpful for this condition, the use of panthothenic acid is particularly important.

It’s important to bump up your daily intake of this nutrient in particular as it has properties that can prove to be quite helpful as a home remedy for low blood pressure.

It can be even more helpful when taken with the other nutrients for an extra boost.