Liver Detox

The liver is the body’s amazing filter system that removes the toxins from the food we eat, the liquids we drink and the air we breathe.

But did you know that the liver also filters harmful chemicals and toxins that we absorb through our skin by the products we use such as skin lotion, tanning cream, shampoos and hair dyes?

It’s no wonder that this day in age with pollution, processed foods and chemically-rich cosmetic products that many people complain of liver problems and seek out home remedies to help counteract the discomfort associated with a toxic liver.

Natural Cures for a Liver Detox:

The list of natural cures for a toxic liver is long, but there are many home remedies that will leave you feeling renewed and revitalized if performed correctly.

As always, before undergoing any form of cleanse or detox program, it is wise to consult your doctor beforehand.

These age-old natural remedies are designed to cleanse your liver and aid in the passing of gall stones, which is painless.

Toxic livers (livers that have accumulated fatty deposits through poor diet, lack of exercise, drug or alcohol abuse, medications, etc) can benefit greatly from a home remedy to cleanse built up impurities and remove gall stones.

If you suffer from the following symptoms, a liver detox may be a great natural cure to some of your health complaints:

  • Skin problems- eczema, acne, dermatitis, boils
  • Excess weight gain, especially around the stomach
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Feeling sick after eating
  • Headaches
  • Feeling generally sluggish or ‘foggy’ headed on a daily basis

Simple liver flush recipe:

  • 2 lemons
  • ½ cup of olive oil

Squeeze the lemon juice into the olive oil, and shake vigorously in a sealed container.

Drink the mixture right before bed and keep relaxed in a reclined position, completely still.

Keep in this position for 20 minutes and then go to sleep while the cleansing begins.

The Big Banana Juice Bar Liver Cleanse:

This cleanse is an all natural liver cleanse designed to be done 6 times a year, preferably with a 2 week break between each time.

  • 4 tbsp Epsom salts
  • 1 large grapefruit (organic)
  • ½ cup light olive oil

This cleanse is best done when you have the next day off to rest, so save it for the weekend.

On the day of the cleanse, eat a bland fat-free breakfast and lunch. After 2pm do not eat or drink anything!

  1. Mix the Epsom salts in 3 cups of distilled water and refrigerate.
  2. Drink ¼ of this mixture at 6 pm (no food allowed!). At 8pm drink the second portion of the Epsom salt mixture and prepare for bed. Just before 10 pm, squeeze the grapefruit juice into a sealable container and shake it up along with the olive oil. Make sure you are ready for bed.
  3. Drink the mixture at 10pm standing up (a straw is recommended), and lie down immediately. It’s very important to lie perfectly still for the next 20 minutes to help the gallstones move. It’s now time to sleep. Some people use herbal sleeping aids to help them fall asleep as this is a crucial part of the cleanse.
  4. The next morning as soon as you wake up (but not before 6 AM), take the third portion of the Epsom salt mixture. You can go back to bed if you feel tired.
  5. Two hours later, take the last portion of the salt mixture.
  6. You may start to eat two hours after the last portion of salt mixture has been taken, but eat lightly! Start with fruit juice (freshly squeezed), then in an hour you can start with organic fruits. Try to keep your eating light all day to be gentle on your body.