
We’ve all suffered from some degree of an itch at times, but it can be frustrating at best. If you have ever had an itch, particularly one that won’t seem to go away, then you know firsthand how annoying this can be.

We can get an itch at anytime and it can come about as a result of something, or for no reason at all. It may start out small where you feel a little tingling or some sort of feeling that you know you’ll have to give into.

This quickly turns into something that you absolutely must scratch because it can take over your thoughts very quickly. There’s that itch you can’t seem to get to and that never seems to go away. Then there’s the itch that quickly turns into a problem due to some sort of allergy or reaction to a stimulus.

We may suffer from an itch for no reason at all, it may come on and go away quickly and seamlessly. We may have allergies that cause itching and scratching on a consistent and regular basis.

This can be quite frustrating for the people who suffer from this problem, and may literally feel as though there is no end in sight. We may even suffer from itching as a result of some sort of other health problem.

Perhaps we ate something that causes a reaction, or maybe we came into a type of material or animal that left a less than favorable reaction.

Whatever the cause or the intensity, getting rid of an itch is essential. In addition to some over-the-counter medications, we can also turn to any number of home remedies for an itch.

Natural Cures for an Itch:

Witch Hazel:

There’s a reason that this supplement gets so much attention, and here we look to it as a home remedy for itch.

In this instance, the best results come about by applying witch hazel directly to the site of the itch.

This will help to sooth the area, calm down any inflamed skin, and of course get rid of the itching and scratching once and for all.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Though this may work well if directly applied to the site of the problem, it can also work well in a different form as well.

Adding a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a warm bath works tremendously as a home remedy for an itch.

This helps to calm down the irritation and remove the very essence of what is causing the itch in the first place.


This has many uses, but in this case we see cornstarch as an excellent home remedy for an itch.

You can either use cornstarch at the site of the itch or put it into a bath, but either way it promises to get rid of the itching and scratching rather quickly.