Internal Cleanse

Complete digestion of food is imperative for the healthy functioning of our bodies.

Proper digestion entails that every part of the food we eat is either converted into nutrition which can be absorbed by our body or flushed away completely as toxins. This natural process is adversely affected with age.

After 40 out bodies ability to naturally cleanse itself starts dwindling and this might lead to several diseases due to accumulation of toxins in the body which were not flushed out completely.

A complete internal cleanse is a great way of getting rid of such toxins which can cause several infections and diseases.

Junk food or any food which is not natural but is process or grown using fertilizers and pesticides can increase the buildup of toxins in our body. Leftovers are also very harmful for our digestive systems.

The general symptoms caused due to toxic build up in the body are a white coated tongue in the morning, feeling tired and worn out the whole day.

Lack of appetite is another sign of this problem.

Natural Cures for Internal Cleansing:

Warm Water:

Cold water deadens your digestive system, while warm water can boost its performance manifold.

Regular intake of warm water throughout the day can help flush out all toxins from the body.

Coriander, Fennel, Cumin and Carum Copticum (AJWAIN):

Boil two quarts of water and then add all the spices mentioned above.

Let this water sit for about 15 to 20 minutes, after that strain all the spices and store this ‘tea’ in a thermos flask.

Regular intake of this concoction everyday is great for thoroughly cleansing your system.

Rice Kanjee:

Cook a miniscule amount of grain in lot of water. This kanjee is wonderful for cleansing your body.

Kanjee is also a highly filling dish which provides very little strain to the digestive system thereby allowing it to retain its efficiency for a longer time.

Holy Basil Leaves (TULSI):

Add a few tulsi leaves to water and boil this mixture for 8 to 10 minutes.

Let this water steep for about 20 minutes and then strain the basil leaves.

This concoction is a natural way of getting rid of all the environmental toxins that make way into our bodies.


This is a wonder spice, which can greatly benefit our digestive systems.

Adding turmeric to all food items when they are being cooked can greatly enhance the toxin flushing capabilities of our bodies.