IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a gastrointestinal disorder that has gained much attention and unfortunately popularity in recent years.

Though many patients are diagnosed with this disorder, there still isn’t much that is known about it in terms of cause. For those patients who suffer from specified symptoms, a diagnosis is often given of IBS though it can range in its’ effect from person to person.

Symptoms range from bouts of diarrhea and constipation to nausea to problems properly digesting food to serious abdominal cramping.

Even the symptoms that have been the normal for certain patients may change up midstream, so it’s hard to predict the pattern and even harder to provide proper treatment.

There are varying degrees of IBS, but for the people that suffer from it eating a simple meal can be complicated. It can cause discomfort and serious disruption to a seemingly normal lifestyle.

The good news is that there are many different medications out on the market that a patient may receive a prescription for. The only real problem is that as the symptoms may change so too may the medication that works, so there may be a constant and recurring shift moving forward.

Some people are turning to more natural methods of dealing with this disorder and that’s why home remedies for IBS have become a very popular way of dealing with this frustrating health condition.

Home Remedies for IBS:

Whole Grains:

The reality is that fiber can be of great help to those who suffer from IBS. This may sound counterintuitive depending on your symptoms, but for those looking for a home remedy for IBS fiber is a great one to try.

One of the best forms of the required fiber is through whole grains so bulk up on these and make any substitutions that you must.

Swapping out refined and white versions of bread, pasta, and rice can make a huge difference as can eating fiber rich versions of these favorites.

Eat Smaller Meals:

Many people who suffer from IBS will agree that they feel the worst after meal time, particularly a large meal.

It is highly recommended that somebody who suffers from this disorder switch this up and move to eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day as a natural cure for IBS.

This will prove to be far less taxing on the gastrointestinal system and leave the individual feeling much less of the symptoms.


For those who suffer from IBS, it can be quite helpful to drink at least the required eight glasses of water per day. Particularly as you add high fiber foods, water is fundamentally important to keep things moving as they should throughout the system.

Therefore drinking plenty of water can act as a natural cure for IBS and ensure that everything keeps moving along as it should to leave the person feeling more normal.