Heart Disease

Heart disease is a term used to encompass all of the diseases and illnesses that might befall the heart.

It is the leading cause of death in many of the world’s most developed countries, and in the United States, statistics show that heart disease kills one person every 34 seconds.

That is an extraordinary number of victims, and thus you need to know how to defend yourself against this terrible affliction.

The heart is one of the body’s most amazing organs, extremely tough yet fragile in some ways. It never tires, constantly sending blood coursing throughout your body, nourishing all your cells.

Should your heart ever falter, you would not be long in dying. Thus it is always cause for worry whenever your heart shows signs of problems. And you should do your utmost to avoid the onset of such problems.

Heart disease includes such illnesses as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diseases affecting the muscle tissue of the heart, and cardiovascular disease.

All of these diseases are serious and can be life-threatening. Symptoms vary from one particular illness to the next, but generally include lethargy, headaches, chest pains, cold sweats, fainting spells, and many others.

Natural Cures For Heart Disease:

Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that have proven to be effective for enhancing the health of your heart and in preventing the onset of heart disease.

Olive Oil:

The American Heart Association and the American Dietic Association recommends substituting olive oil for all other types of oils.

Olive oil is a source of monounsaturated fat, which is much healthier than saturated fat found in many other forms of oil, such as animal oils.


Bran cereal is food that is high in fiber, and that helps to keep your cholesterol levels within healthy limits.

High cholesterol levels are among the chief causes of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.


Studies have shown that small amounts of alcohol, consumed daily in moderation, have the effect of greatly lowering your risk of developing heart disease.

Coenzyme Q-10:

While coenzyme Q-10 cannot be classified properly as being either a vitamin or a mineral, it is nonetheless a nutrient that is essential to health of the heart.

It has been found to be particularly effective at re-energizing the cells of patients who have previously suffered heart failure.

This makes it an extremely important home remedy indeed. You can purchase coenzyme Q-10 in supplement form from any drugstore or pharmacy.

Reduce Anxiety:

Web MD reports that a study found that anxiety was associated with a 26% increased risk of coronary heart disease and a 48% increased risk of heart-related death.

Lifestyle changes that reduce stress and anxiety might be beneficial and research is ongoing.