
The party’s over, and you had a little too much to drink. No, wait, you had WAY too much to drink, and you wake up the next morning with a pounding headache, nausea, and you can barely move out of your bed. Good thing you don’t have to go to work because you wouldn’t make it anyway.

What are you going to do? Surely, you don’t want to spend the entire day in bed, but you feel so lousy that you don’t even want to think of moving.

Home Remedies For A Hangover

Fruit Juice

Fruit juice contains fructose, a form of sugar that gives you energy and so helps the body burn alcohol faster. Drinking a large glass of orange juice, tomato juice, or other fruit juice will speed up the process of alcohol removal.

Crackers And Honey

Honey is a concentrated source of fructose and glucose, so eating some honey the next day will help flush out any remaining alcohol.

Pain Relief

A headache is one of the major parts of the package when it comes to a hangover. Usually just aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen will do the trick.

Willow Bark

Willow bark is a natural alternative in the area of pain relievers. It contains a natural form of salicylate, which is the active ingredient in aspirin. The salicylate is released during the chewing process.

Drink Bouillon

Broth from bouillon cubes or any other homemade soup broth contains salt and potassium that the body loses when you drink. It's warm and a soothing form of nourishment when your stomach is upset and head is pounding.


Be sure to replenish your water supply. Alcohol consumption causes dehydration, so be sure to drink plenty of water before you go to bed and then again when you awaken to help relieve discomfort of dehydration.

Take B-Complex Vitamins

Drinking alcohol depletes the body’s supply of the B-complex vitamins. According to statistics, the body turns to B vitamins when it is under a great deal of stress, and excessive drinking falls into that category. Replenishing those vitamins with a B-complex vitamin capsule can help shorten the length of time you suffer from a hangover.

Eat Protein

Drinking alcohol also depletes the supply of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Eat a healthy meal with a small amount of protein such as eggs, beans, meat or cheese to help replenish amino acids. You may also find protein powder containing amino acids in the health food stores.

Drink Coffee

Coffee helps reduce the swelling of blood vessels that causes a headache. Drinking a couple of cups of coffee can help relive the headaches that are associated with hangovers. Caffeine is also dehydrating which is part of the problem with a hang over, so don't over do it.

Eat A Good Meal

If you are able to eat, consuming a balanced healthy meal will replace the loss of essential nutrients, but you might want to keep it light with no heavy fats or fried foods.