Growth Problems

We all want to be a little bit thinner, a little bit taller, or perhaps change some aspect of ourselves. For some people though, there can be some serious health condition that leads to some sort of growth problems.

Though they may not be as common or well known as other health conditions, growth problems can be frustrating and worrisome for the individual suffering from them.

Most children grow at a normal rate and then tend to even out at a certain point in their lives. Some children and adults alike however suffer from stunted growth, or simply an inability to grow and develop as others do.

If you suspect that growth and development isn’t happening as it normally should or are simply concerned about the actual rate of growth, then it’s really a wise idea to speak to a medical professional.

As there are rather significant and substantial growth problems out there, sometimes it may take a prescribed treatment plan with a great deal of monitoring to get the job done.

If however you want to try and get a jump start on matters on your own and see what you can do to help with this aspect of development, you may turn to other methods.

There are some rather intriguing home remedies for growth problems that may help to bring about some help and excellent results for those who try them out.

Home Remedies for Growth Problems:


There’s a reason that Mom told you to drink your milk when you were little. Not only does calcium help to build strong bones, but it can also help to support overall growth.

Calcium along with other vitamins helps to support the pituitary gland and other important parts that aid in growth within the human body.

Taking proper levels of calcium each day will aid with the growth process. However taking increased levels of calcium will work quite well as a home remedy for growth problems.

Though you can get calcium through dairy product, it’s important to take a daily supplement to ensure you get proper levels for this health condition.

Amino Acids:

Taking amino acids can work well as a home remedy for growth problems.

What happens with the consumption of amino acids is that it greatly increases human growth hormones.

If taken at proper levels, this can ensure that these essential hormones not only work well, but go into a bit of overdrive.

Taking specific amino acids such as arginine and ornithine can provide the very best results.

Vitamin B3 Supplement:

Though all vitamins are essential nutrients to work towards growth overall, this one is specifically targeted to this condition.

Taking high levels of Vitamin B3 can work quite well as a home remedy for growth problems.

This works in the same way as amino acids as it goes to work on the natural human growth hormones present in the body.

This will help to expedite the process and produce results in those who don’t grow at the same rate as others.