Gas Relief

We’ve all suffered from it at one time or another, though it’s usually a temporary condition.

Having gas can come about very quickly and usually goes away just as fast. It can be from the foods you eat or just simply come out of nowhere.

Getting gas relief quickly is of the essence because this can not only be embarrassing but also painful.

If you suffer from gas on a regular basis or if you just want gas relief so as not to be embarrassed, then it can be helpful to know how to handle things quickly and efficiently.

This is not usually the thing that you want to talk to anybody about as it’s often temporary and can be quite embarrassing.

If you seem to be having the problem often or find that no method of gas relief is working, then it can be wise to seek out other methods.

If you are having the problem and it is associated with other symptoms, then it may be wise to seek out medical attention.

A doctor can provide a proper diagnosis to be sure that it’s nothing more serious. Getting gas relief is one thing, but it’s important to be sure that this problem is not related to anything more serious.

If however you just want to find some gas relief, there are some excellent home remedies that can work quite well.

Home Remedies for Gas Relief:


As parsley can help with so many gastrointestinal problems, it’s no wonder that it’s a proven home remedy for gas relief.

The natural healing properties within parsley help to soothe the stomach and therefore work quite well in providing almost instantaneous gas relief.

Though eating parsley after a big meal can work well, taking a supplement can work even better as it ensures proper levels.


Yet again we see ginger show up as a comfort for so many stomach issues, and here we see it working as a natural and effective home remedy for gas relief.

Mixing up a ginger tea, using fresh ginger, or turning to a ginger supplement can all be effective ways of getting the necessary relief. So it’s well worth trying this out.

Garlic Herbal Supplement:

Unless it is garlic that actually causes you the gas, this can be one tremendous home remedy for gas relief.

Taking garlic tablets as a supplement on a regular basis will prevent the gas from developing in the first place.

If you are experiencing gas though, garlic in any form can provide quick and helpful relief.

Water and Lemon Juice:

For short term relief for getting rid of gas, drink a glass of water mixed with organic lemon juice, just enough lemon juice for flavor.

Drink this a half hour prior to eating a meal.