Free Home Remedies

When it comes to having a few great ways to solve life’s everyday challenges, who can complain? The fact is that many of us face the task of having a problem with a cold, having to get through the day with a painful headache and may even have other, more drastic health and mental concerns that face us. Wouldn’t a few free home remedies help to relieve some of those aches and pains?

The fact is that more and more people are looking for an alternative treatment to chemicals and medications. The side effects from many chemical products have caused use to become ill in other manners. Or, they may be more detrimental to our well being then the original health concern. The good news is that there is help out there for anyone that is looking for alternative forms or even natural cures to our conditions.

Here, you will find some great free tidbits of information to help you handle whatever life is throwing at you so you can get through the day at least a little better.

Common Home Remedies:

Acne Help:

When it comes to acne, it is not just something that teens face. Many will take this condition into their 20’s, 30’s and even beyond. Yet, there are a few natural cures for acne that can help to make it a little less painful both to the physical body and to the self esteem. For example, did you know that many of the acne medications on the market (as expensive as they are) have the same chemicals in them? Instead of purchasing them, use benzyl peroxide on your acne outbreaks daily. This can help to be a natural cure to the outbreaks you face.


A natural remedy for a toothache is as simple as mixing one teaspoon of salt with a cup of lukewarm water and squishing it around in your mouth. The salt will help to draw out the pain and even the infection if there is one and relieves the throbbing ache that you feel.

The Common Cold:

Remember those old stories of Grandma’s home cooked soup making you feel better? The chicken broth really can help to improve your health and well being. & If you have a cold, chicken soup is a great natural cure. The steam will help to open airways. The compounds in the soup can help to relieve congestion and the food will boost your immune system helping to fight off the cold.