Fibrocystic Breasts

There are so many things that can come about with a change in hormones. You may not realize this until you experience that change and see how everything from your mood to your physical condition does a major shift.

Though it is quite common after a woman has a baby or while breastfeeding, fibrocystic breasts can come about at anytime.

As the hormone levels in a woman change, the varying progesterone and estrogen levels can contribute to cells developing in the connective tissues.

Once that happens, this often leads to clogged ducts in the breast that may cause fluid to back up into the breast. This all means a great deal of pain for the woman who needs relief fast.

If this happens and is clear what it is then you may be able to treat it on your own.

For some women, they may experience some level of fibrocystic breasts with each menstrual cycle. This may mean that they are very in tune to what is going on and they know how to handle the problem.

For others however, they may be alarmed at this pain and any other symptoms that go along with it. It can be a good idea to seek medical attention to be sure you know the proper way to deal with fibrocystic breasts.

As this can be quite painful, it can be a good idea to know how to handle this on your own.

Therefore be tuned in to some of the simple but effective home remedies for fibrocystic breasts.

Home Remedies for Fibrocystic Breasts:

Dandelion Root:

This is an herb that is used for various purposes, and it can be an excellent home remedy for fibrocystic breasts.

This can be taken simply as a supplement or mixed into an herbal tea, but it helps to break down the fluid that has developed within the breasts.

This will help to bring much relief to the woman who suffers from this fibrocystic breasts.

Chamomile Flowers:

It can be quite helpful to take chamomile flowers and mix them with calendula and yarrow flowers to make an excellent home remedy for fibrocystic breasts.

Mix with boiling water. After straining apply with a washcloth over the breast.

This helps to break up the fluid in the breast and helps the tissue get back to normal when used as a compress directly on the area that is affected.

Hot Water Bottle:

In addition to the chamomile flowers compress, using a hot water bottle can be of great relief.

The heat helps to soothe the pain and if used after the chamomile flowers, it can help to release the pressure and fluid that has built up in the breast.

The hot water bottle should be put directly on the site of the problem for the best effect.