
Most people believe that any temperature over 98.6 is a fever, but our bodies actually have ways of regulating our temperatures, and during any given 24 hour period, our temperatures fluctuate.

Our internal thermostats do a good job of making sure that our body temperatures are where they should be.

At night, our temperatures tend to be lower, and when we are awake and active, they tend to be higher.

Our thermostats actually control the amount of blood circulating next to the skin, to help maintain a healthy environment for all our body’s components, but on any given day, our temperatures will vary from 97.5 to 99.9 degrees.

When we are sick, from a virus or infection, our thermostats turn up the heat, because most bacteria cannot sustain life at elevated temperatures.

Any temperature in a baby younger than eight weeks old is serious, and medical help should be sought immediately, but for older children and adults, while any temperature can be uncomfortable, it is actually our body’s way of attempting to take care of itself.

For that reason, it is advisable to let mild temperatures run their course as long as the fever is no higher than 100 degrees.

Home Remedies for Fever:

Over the Counter:

Over the counter treatments for fevers usually work well.

Ibuprofen or acetaminophen both work well, and often can actually be alternated using first one then the other, every four to six hours, or as needed to keep the temperature at 100 degrees or less.

Another alternative treatment to bring down fevers is a lukewarm bath. Any cooler, and the body will actually think the cold is a threat, and try to raise the body temperature. Tepid soaks or sponge baths are very good natural ways to bring down a fever.


Any person under the age of 25, is at risk of contracting Reye’s Syndrome, a potentially life threatening condition caused by taking aspirin with certain illnesses such as chicken pox.

Reyes Syndrome has been known to cause seizures and even brain damage in some people, so as a general safety rule, aspirin for fever is not recommended if the patient is less than twenty-five years.

Natural Treatments:

Willow or birch bark tea has been used by Native American and folk healers for hundreds of years, and can be very effective.

Natural Tea to Control Temperatures:

  • One ounce dried Elder Flowers
  • One ounce dried peppermint leaves
  • 1/2 pint distilled water

Bring water to a boil, pour over herbs, allow to steep (don’t boil) ten to fifteen minutes.

Sweeten with honey.

This can be repeated every 24 hours.