Anal Fissure

A fissure is a small tear in the skin. Therefore an anal fissure is a small tear in the skin that lines the anus.

These tears can occur when you pass a hard or large stool, when you have chronic diarrhea, have constipation or strain during a bowel movement.

It could be caused by an inflammation of the anorectal area, as a symptom of Crohn’s disease, or another IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

An anal fissure typically causes pain and bleeding with bowel movements. Most of these little tears will heal within a few weeks without specific treatment.

Other anal fissures may become chronic. Some treatment, even surgery may be needed if an anal fissure doesn't heal, in order to relieve discomfort.

Signs and Symptoms:

Anal fissure signs and symptoms can include the following:

  • Pain during bowel movements from small sharp sting to pain that can be severe
  • Pain after bowel movement that doesn’t go away for up to several hours
  • Bright red blood on toilet paper after a bowel movement. There could be blood in the toilet or on the stool.
  • Itching or irritation around the anus
  • A visible crack in the skin around the anus
  • A small lump or skin tag on the skin near the anal fissure

Less common causes of anal fissures can include cancer, HIV, Tuberculosis, Syphilis, and as a result of anal sex.

These fissures often affect people who are in their middle ages, but anal fissures are also the most common cause of infant rectal bleeding.

It is important to see your health care professional if you notice an anal fissure and it doesn’t disappear within a few days. If you notice blood on stools or toilet paper after a bowel movement you should also see a doctor or health care provider.

Home Remedies for Anal Fissure:

Prevention is one of the best ways to treat anal fissures. It is important to take all the steps needed to keep your stools regular, soft, and that you don’t get constipated.

Fruit and Vegetable Juice:

If you have a fissure, one of the best treatments is to fast on raw juices for about five days. Carrot, orange, and pineapple juices should be taken every two hours throughout the day.

Mix the juice with an equal proportion of water. This will help clean you out and get rid of the old waste in your bowels.

Warm Water Enema:

For the same reason warm water enemas are a good natural treatment for anal fissures. Enemas should be given daily for several days during this period to cleanse the bowels and prevent additional tearing from hard stools.

Drink Water:

Drink more water to help cleanse your system and to clear away constipation as your stools will be softer.

It is important to drink the water one hour before or after meals, not during. Otherwise the gastric juices become too diluted and the food won’t be properly digested.