Yerba Mansa Extract

Species Name: Anemopsis californica

Also Known As: lizard tail, bear root, and swamp root.

What is Yerba Mansa?

Yerba mansa, a perennial flowering plant native to southwestern North America, can be found in wetland habitats.

Producing white conical flowers in the early spring, as this plant matures it develops a dark red to purple stain on all of its above ground parts.

By the fall, the entire plant turns to the color of red.

Yerba mansa is an aromatic plant; the roots have an odor reminiscent to a combination of camphor and eucalyptus with a distinct musty, spicy scent.

The term "yerba mansa" generally means calm or tame but the origins of the word mansa are unclear.

The root and leaves of the plant are used medicinally and extracts are generally made from the dried root of the plant.

The yerba mansa roots can be a challenge to harvest as it has a mass of spongy tentacle-like parts.

There are also some extracts made from the leaf of this plant, and all these extracts are available as a tea, tincture or liquid extract, and in powder and capsule form

Benefits and Uses of Yerba Mansa Extract:

Historically Yerba Mansa was used by the Native Americans topically in the treatment of scrapes, cuts, and burns and as a poultice for rheumatism.

It was taken internally as a cure for a variety of gastrointestinal upsets, malarial fevers, and as a blood purifying tonic.

It was also used to treat cough and pulmonary affections.

It was thought to have some kind of magical properties to ward off negativity and the edible seeds of the plant were ground into meal.

Today yerba mansa has been found to be antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti fungal properties.

Yerba mansa is often used to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes, swollen gums and sore throat. It is similiar to another medicinal herb called golden seal, but its healing activities have a safer affect on the body.

Yerba mansa is still useful in the treatment of chronic and acute sinus infection and is helpful in reducing uric acid buildup in joints, relieving arthritic and gout pain and possibly preventing kidney stones.

It is also used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

It can be used to promote peaceful relaxation and to reduce stress and frustration.

It has a spicy scent that smells wonderful if used in a potpourri.

Side Effects of Yerba Mansa Extract:

Yerba mansa extract has not been studied enough to judge all potential side effects.

Don't use this medicinal herb if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, or if you have urinary problems.

If you are scheduled for surgery in the next two weeks you should stop taking yerba mansa to avoid any possible interactions with the medications used during and after surgery.