Pleurisy Root Extract

Species Name: Asclepias tuberose

Also Known As: Butterfly Weed, Tuber Root, Colic Root, Wind Root, Swallow Wort, Orange Milkweed, Silky Swallow Wort.

What is pleurisy root extract? Pleurisy root extract is the extract from the Pleurisy Root plant, a plant native to North America.

Generally found in the Midwest, pleurisy root is known for being large, growing to a height of up to 3 feet. The actual extract itself comes from the root of the pleurisy root plant, and not from the leaves, stems, or flowers.

Home Remedies Using Pleurisy Root Extract:

Benefits of Pleurisy Root Extract:

Pleurisy root extract has been used over the course of history, known as one of the most prominent herbal remedies for Native Americans.

The plant is known for providing an incredible amount of benefits; the scientific name comes from the Latin “Aeslepius”, the Greek God of Healing.

Pleurisy root is antispasmodic, helping to stop involuntary muscle spasms. This helps to keep involuntary coughing at bay, while also curtailing painful and annoying muscle spasms.

Pleurisy root is also one of the many herbs listed as an expectorant, helping those who are sick to cough up or move around phlegm. These multiple benefits have made Pleurisy Root extract an important extract for those with a cold or with the flu.

The common name of pleurisy root comes from the extract’s use by those who have Pleurisy.

The plant helps to reduce pain and inflammation while also relieving many of the symptoms of Pleurisy.

Pleurisy root extracts are also used to stop diarrhea and dysentery.

Various other benefits of the product include its vasodilatation (blood vessel dilation), tonic, and cathartic properties. It is used for those who need to increase perspiration.

Side Effects of Pleurisy Root Extract:

Those who are looking to use pleurisy root extract should be sure they avoid excessive intake. Those who take too much pleurisy root extract may suffer from diarrhea and vomiting.

Women who are breast-feeding should avoid pleurisy root, as should those who are pregnant. Pleurisy root may stimulate contractions early, causing multiple birthing-related issues.

Others who should avoid pleurisy root use include those who are taking medication for cardiovascular issues, and by anyone taking cardiac glycosides.