
Scientific Name:  (S)-2-amino-3-methyl-butanoic acid (C5H11NO2).

Other Names:  Val, V, L-valine.

Valine is one of the twenty common amino acids that make up human and animal proteins and is considered an essential amino acid because the human body is unable to manufacture it naturally. 

It is referred to as a proteinogenic amino acid because it is used in the formation of proteins.

Forms of Valine:  As a nutritional supplement, valine is most commonly found as an ingredient in protein powders sold in health food and supplement stores.  It can also be found in some energy drinks and energy bars.

Sources of Valine: Named after the valerian plant in which it was discovered, valine can also be found in many food products, including fish, poultry, cottage cheese, sesame seeds, lentils, soybeans, mushrooms, and peanuts.

Home Remedies using Valine:

Benefits and Uses of Valine:

Valine is used in the human body to assist in the growth and repair of tissue and to maintain the balance of nitrogen. 

As an energy source for muscles, it can preserve the use of glucose. 

Valine promotes muscle growth and can possibly energize, though the latter claim is still under investigation.

Because drug and alcohol addiction lead to the deficiency of many amino acids, damage caused by such diseases may be reversed and treated with valine, including alcohol related brain damage, hepatic encephalopathy, and some degenerative neurological conditions. 

Valine is often prescribed for assistance in recovery following liver disease, gallbladder disease, injury, and surgery which result in loss of muscle mass.

Side Effects of Valine:

If taken in high dosages as a supplement, valine might cause unpleasant “crawling” sensations in the skin and could possibly lead to hallucination. 

For individuals with liver and kidney disease, it is important to consult with a doctor prior to supplementing with any high dosages of amino acids.

Additional Information for Valine:

Studies are underway to prove the effectiveness in valine as a promoter of mental vigor and an emotional calmer. 

Valine is considered to be a stimulating supplement and may also affect growth rate.