
Scientific Name:  2-amino-3-(3H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoic acid (C6H9N3O2).

Other Names:  His, H.

One of the twenty most common amino acids present in proteins, histidine is considered an essential amino acid in humans, though mainly in children. 

It is a precursor to the production or biosynthesis of histamine and carnosine.

Origin: Histidine is found in fruits such as grapes and bananas; meat and poultry; dairy products such as milk; and root and green vegetables (in smaller quantities).

Sources of Histidine: As a supplement, histidine is typically prescribed in tablet form, with a dosage of 8-10mg per day per kilogram of body weight (18-22mg per pound per day).

Home Remedies using Histidine:

Benefits and Uses of Histidine:

Histidine is a precursor to histamine, which is a compound released in humans by the immune system when an allergic reaction is induced. 

It is also needed for growth and repair of tissue and a component of protectors to the nerve cells. 

It is necessary in the manufacture of both red and white blood cells, the removal of heavy metal from the body, and in protecting against radiation damage. 

It assists in the production of gastric juices in the stomach as well.

Histidine can help to relieve symptoms of indigestion and has been touted as an aid in lengthening orgasm and intensifying overall sexual pleasure. 

In order to supplement deficiency and improve the creation of histamine within the immune system (treatment for asthmatic patients and patients with severe allergies), dosages are typically in the range of 1,000mg (1 gram) two to three times daily but should be adjusted based on body weight.

Side Effects of Histidine:

While there is no evidence of permanent damage from an overdose of histidine, levels too high for a person’s body weight can lead to stress, anxiety, and other mental disorders. 

People with schizophrenia have been shown to have elevated levels of histidine, and such individuals, as well as those with bipolar disorder (also called manic depression) should not use supplements without approval from their doctor.