
Scientific Name:  2-(carbamimidoyl-methyl-amino) acetic acid.

Other Names:  Creatin, Kreatin, methylguanidinoacetic acid, N-amidinosarcosine.

Creatine is an acid (defined as nitrogenous organic acid) that occurs naturally in vertebrates. 

It is used to assist in supplying energy to the cells of muscles. 

Creatine functions as part of the system based on arginine.

Origin: The human body synthesizes creatine mainly in the liver, using three amino acids:  glycine, arginine, and methionine. 

Over 95 percent of creatine in the human body is stored in the skeletal muscles, with the remaining amount stored in the heart, brain, and testes.

Sources of Creatine: Creatine can be ingested by eating meat and fish products, which are high in creatine content. 

As a nutritional supplement, creatine is found in both pill and powder form. 

Pills are typically gelcaps containing the powder form, assisting in the slow release of creatine into the system as a pure source.

Home Remedies using Creatine:

Benefits and Uses of Creatine:

Creatine assists in providing strength and energy to muscle cells and fibers. 

It draws water and other essential nutrients into the muscles to create excess energy, especially during heavy workouts for bodybuilders and athletes, producing perceived levels of improved strength, stamina, and endurance.

Creatine supplements are still under scrutiny to determine overall effects on many muscular, neurological, and neuromuscular diseases.

Including arthritis, muscular atrophy, Huntington’s disease, mitochondrial disease, congestive heart failure, and muscular dystrophy. 

Creatine has been shown to improve strength modestly in individuals with a variety of neuromuscular disorders.

Side Effects of Creatine:

If large quantities of supplemental creatine are consumed, a process of dangerous dehydration can result. 

Creatine will take water from vital organs to feed the muscles, leaving organs without necessary electrolytes to function. 

If ample amounts of water and sports drinks (decaffeinated and low in sugar) are consumed in conjunction with creatine, these negative side effects can be avoided. 

Also, creatine intake can result in bloating and discomfort due to muscular fluid retention.