Hypericum / Hyper

Formal Name: Hypericum Perforatum

Also Known As: Hypericum, St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort has become a household name recently for its herbal application in assisting those with depression.

It is also being studied for its health benefits to those with certain types of somatoform disorders, ADHD and Parkinson’s disease.

St. John’s Wort has long been recognized for other health benefits such as its excellent antiseptic and anti-viral properties as well as its use as a pain killer. It was discovered within the world of homeopathy years back and has evolved into a helpful homeopathic remedy.

It is actually the extract of the plant that is given for depression. However within homeopathy it all works a bit differently. To create the homeopathic remedy known as hypericum, preparation is extremely important.

It’s important as with any sort of homeopathic remedy that what remains when all is said and done is a solution that contains virtually no traces of the plant itself. It is made by taking the entire fresh plant and chopping it up very finely. This is macerated in alcohol and so the homeopathic remedy is born.

Homeopathic Remedies using Hypericum:

Benefits/Uses of Hypericum:

Injuries or Wounds:

Hypericum tends to work well as a homeopathic remedy for the types of injuries or wounds that feel far more painful than they may appear to the eye.

There is often very sharp pains associated with these and they may even be at the epicenter of the nerves. It is often recommended for puncture wounds from such things as splinters, nail wounds or bites.

Nervous Pains:

This may seem to be a sort of phantom pain, particularly in limbs that are no longer there after something like an amputation. These type of unusual pains that are just as much mental as they are physical can be helped tremendously by using the homeopathic remedy of hypericum.

Post Operation Pain:

Hypericum is often recommended to help ease post operation pain. It is especially helpful after suffering an amputation where there is phantom pain and nervous pain present. Hypericum can also be of benefit after dental surgery to ease discomfort as well as for the toothache that may precede the surgery.

Homeopathic Remedy Profile for Hypericum:

Hypericum can be helpful as a homeopathic remedy for people who tend to be depressed, frightened, and shocked especially after an accident or injury of some type. They may appear to be nervous or get overly excited and can easily become drowsy, even falling asleep while they are in the middle of talking.