Weakened Immune System

If you feel like you are getting sick all the time, then you may want to stay tuned into the patterns of what you are feeling and symptoms. If you feel run down, lethargic, or simply lack the energy to get things done on a daily basis, then you may want to determine what the root cause of the problem is.

Oftentimes a weakened immune system may be to blame for common illnesses, particularly if they seem to come on quite often. There are a variety of factors that may contribute to an immune system that isn’t working quite as well as it should. Stress, lack of rest, or other health conditions may all cause the immune system to become weak and to prevent it from working as it should.

Once you figure out that your immune system may be failing you or that you need a boost, it may be a good idea to seek medical attention. You want to be sure that the weakened immune system isn’t attributed to a more serious medical condition.

Natural Cures for a Weakened Immune System

Oftentimes though, your doctor may suggest a lifestyle change that incorporates more exercise, eating right, rest, and stress management as part of a treatment plan—these measures can work quite well and are often very necessary.

In addition to these treatment methods, it can also help to turn to effective home remedies. These are easy to implement and yet can bring a great deal of relief.

Echinacea Herbal Supplement

This is one herbal supplement that has gained much attention as a home remedy for a weakened immune system. It works by strengthening it and providing an extra energy boost that may be essential for wellness and physical health.

Taking an echinacea herbal supplement each day may help and can be especially important if you are feeling run down or have been exposed to any type of illness.

Goldenseal Herbal Supplement

This is another herbal supplement that has received a great deal of attention as a home remedy. Not only does goldenseal help to strengthen the immune system, but it may also help in cleansing and purifying the body which is essential in this state.

Vitamin C Supplement

There’s a reason why so many of us turn to Vitamin C when we’re feeling sick, because it really does work. Taking Vitamin C can help the body get back to a normal and healthy state, and this can allow you to fight off illnesses and germs that you come into contact with.


Not only is turmeric used in cooking but it also has anti-inflammatory properties and may help slow Alzheimer's as well as relieve arthritis pain.

It should come as no surprise that it can also be a natural way to help boost the immune system. During times of stress, try adding turmeric into your diet.

Take a Warm Bath and Get Extra Sleep

Run a nice warm bath before bedtime. Add some relaxing essential oil scents or Epsom salts. Turn the lights down, listen to quiet for a short time. This can help sleep come easier and quality sleep is key to our bodies repair.