Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are growths within the uterus that generally appear during a woman’s childbearing years.

Noncancerous in nature, these growths are considered highly common and generally do not present with any symptoms.

In most cases, uterine fibroids appear without any problems presenting at all. Thought to affect about 75 percent of all women, these benign growths can do pose symptoms in some.

If symptoms do become present, they may include such things as heavy bleeding during menstruation, longer than normal periods, pain the pelvic area, a frequent need to urinate and back or leg pain.

The causes of uterine fibroids are largely unknown, but there are some theories. This type of cellular overgrowth does seem to be connected with the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Fibroids might also have a genetic link.

Although not common, fibroids may sometimes require medical intervention. If this is the case, doctors can prescribe medications to try and shrink fibroids. Surgical procedures may also be recommended.

There are also home remedies and natural cures that can promote fibroid shrinkage and ease the symptoms.

Natural Cures For Uterine Fibroids:

The symptoms caused by uterine fibroids can often be handled with natural cures and home remedies. The options that can prove beneficial for reducing pain range from over-the-counter products to herbal treatments.

They include:

Over-The-Counter Products:

Non-prescription strength pain relievers can serve as home remedies for pain associated with uterine fibroids.

Take care to avoid pain relievers that thin the blood, like aspirin.

Other items that can help include heating pads for back pain and muscle pain creams.

Hot Baths:

To get rid of uterine fibroids, or at least the pain they cause, it can help to take a hot bath.

This can help lessen pain and also promote circulation.

This home remedy can also be used in conjunction with cold baths.


Dandelion root capsules are among the home remedies that can help regulate hormone levels to promote the shrinking of fibroids.

When the question is how to remove uterine fibroids, keeping hormone levels in check can often provide the solution.

Milk Thistle:

Like dandelion, this natural cure, also helps regulate hormone levels.

This particular herb helps keep estrogen in check, which can promote the shrinking of fibroid tissue.

Dietary Changes:

Avoiding certain foods when uterine fibroids are a problem can also help lessen symptoms and promote shrinking.

The foods to avoid for this home remedy include dairy products, meat and overly sugary products.

Alcohol should also be avoided.