Tooth Decay

Tooth decay occurs when mouth bacteria, eating or drinking sugary things and not keeping your teeth clean creates acids that can eat away at the tooth. This process will eventually produce a cavity. Symptoms can include pain, infection, and ultimately the loss of the tooth if not treated.

When food and bacteria combine, they form plaque on the teeth and gums. Plaque feeds on sugars, making acid that attack the teeth for up to twenty minutes after eating.

Eventually the acid will destroy the tooth's enamel and then cause the tooth to decay. Among other things, regular brushing and flossing and visits to the dentist will help.

Natural Remedies for Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, also called a cavity, is a very common issue. Anyone can have this problem – even babies and toddlers. To relieve pain and swelling there are some natural home remedies you can do at home.

Rinse Out Your Mouth

If you are prone to cavities, rinsing with a fluoride mouth rinse may be recommended by your dentist.

Brushing and Flossing Regularly

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing regularly and after meals can help prevent tooth decay and cavities.

Avoid Snacking and Drinking

If you are frequently snacking and sipping on sugary drinks and snacks throughout the day, this will create acids in your mouth that can damage the enamel on your teeth. Try avoiding these things and consider snacking on healthier foods and sugar free drinks.

Licorice Root

A common ingredient in many Chinese medical remedies, licorice root (this is not the same as licorice candy) has antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Chewing on the root can neutralize mouth bacteria and lesson tooth decay and gum disease.

Green Tea

Green tea contains natural fluoride properties which makes it an effective natural treatment for tooth decay. Green tea is also rich in antioxidants and regular use can help keep your mouth healthy by eliminating bacteria buildup.

Green tea can also be used as a mouthwash. Rinse with water afterwards.


As a natural sweetener Xylitol is made from plant fiber. If used frequently xylitol can help cure tooth decay, treat dry mouth by increasing saliva flow, reverse receding gums, and prevent cavities. To be effective, this home remedy should be used quite a few times throughout the day.

Xylitol is naturally found in some fruits and vegetables and can also be found in Xylitol chewing gum as well and some sugar free candies and oral care products. Check with your dentist for recommended daily amount that can be taken.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is used to slow down and stop the growth of bacteria in the mouth. This improves oral hygiene and is a great natural remedy to slow down tooth decay. In order to get the benefits of this drink, it must be pure cranberry juice with no additives.

Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass juice has many health benefits. Here it can be used as a gargle or a drink. This juice can help relieve toothaches, as a treatment for bleeding gums, and to prevent tooth decay. Wheatgrass is easy to grow at home and the grass can also be chewed to boost your dental health.

Toothache Tree

The toothache tree is an aromatic shrub that is native to North America. It is also called the angelica tree, prickly ash, and suterberry. American Indians chewed on the bark of this plant in order to relieve toothaches.

It was also used in the treatment of dry mouth. Inducing saliva secretion helps prevent tooth decay. The toothache tree has also been used as a natural remedy for sore throats, stomach disorders, and skin infections.


With antiseptic and antifungal properties, thyme is a great substance to treat gum problems and prevent tooth decay.

Thyme essential oil can also be used diluted and applied to an abscessed tooth or used as a mouthwash by adding diluted thyme essential to a glass of water.


Myrrh is a historical herb that works on curing mouth infections and allows users to fight tooth decay. A mouth rinse of thirty drops of myrrh tincture in a glass of warm water will help you maintain good dental health.


This herb is readily available and offers antibacterial properties. Coriander can be used on mouth ulcers, infections, and tooth decay. Make a mouth rinse from coriander by brewing the herb in water.


You can prevent tooth decay by brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. If possible, brushing after each meal is recommended by most dentists. Rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash may also be recommended by your dentist.

Avoid snacking on foods that get stuck in your teeth like potato chips and candies. Instead eat fresh vegetables and fruits and make regular appointments for dental checkups.