Toenail Fungus

Do you dread removing your socks, and exposing your bare feet for family and friends to see? Have you given up on wearing open-toed shoes and sandals because of the appearance of your toe nails?

If your toe nails are yellowish in color, cracked, and have a crusty and smelly substance under the nail-you can be sure that a fungus has taken root under your toe nails. What causes toe nail fungus?

Bare feet come into contact with all sorts of bacteria that then can become “trapped” under our toe nails. Socks can “block” sweat from “evaporating” and the “moisture” from sweat is a perfect “breeding agent” for bacterial growth. If these bacteria aren’t removed through bathing, and proper nail care, it continues growing, causing toe nail fungus and can lead to a “nasty” case of “foot fungus” as well.

Wouldn’t you like to know of a home remedy or several home remedies that you can use to get rid of toe nail fungus quickly? How about a home remedy or a few home remedies that could possibly save your “tootsies” from falling victim to foot fungus in the first place?

Natural Cures for Toenail Fungus:

Hygienic Habits:

Hygiene is your first defense against getting toe nail fungus. Thoroughly “wash” your feet daily, using soap. Remember to fully-dry your feet before putting sock on! There are soaps made with natural ingredients that “discourage” bacteria growth and these can be used as “natural cures” for toe nail fungus. Keep your toe nails “short” with regular clipping. This makes it easier for bacteria to be “washed away” before it can cause toe nail fungus.

Wear Breathable Socks:

Socks that “breathe”, such as cotton and nylon fabrics, are a “natural cure” to the problem of toe nail fungus because they allow the “moisture” from sweat to “evaporate” from the skin before it can “team-up” with other bacteria to form toe nail fungus.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide is a useful home remedy for toenail fungus. The properties of hydrogen peroxide “naturally cures” toe nail fungus by getting “under” toe nails and “removing” bacteria from them. Place enough hydrogen peroxide to cover your toes in a container and “soak” your toes in this amazing “natural cure” for toe nail fungus for 15 minutes. After “soaking” your toes, rinse and dry thoroughly. Peroxide can “dry” the skin on your feet so apply some foot lotion to counteract “dryness.” Do this on a regular basis to keep your toe nails as “clean” and “bacteria-free” as possible.

Prescription and OTC’s:

Stubborn toe nail fungus may require the use of prescription drugs or OTC medications. It’s best to get a doctors recommendation on which would work best for your case of toe nail fungus before investing money in the over the counter products out there.