Tennis Elbow

Whether you are a tennis player or not, tennis elbow may strike at anytime and wreak havoc.

In this condition, the outer part of the elbow becomes tender and painful. In this specific area that attaches to the elbow joint, any sort of overexertion may cause the onset of this very painful condition.

It is quite common for individuals from any walk of life to suffer from tennis elbow, but since it causes a lack of function with its associated pain, it’s important to get proper diagnosis.

This condition may vary in its intensity, but it ultimately requires medical attention to ensure a proper diagnosis is given. If not properly treated, it can become more serious and limit the function of this area of the arm.

Any stress, overuse, or even overextension of these tendons and muscles may result in tennis elbow. Though it was not well understood and often misdiagnosed in the past, it has become quite common and therefore relatively easy to treat.

Any medications associated with tennis elbow are often focused solely on the pain relief itself rather than the repair or prevention. Physical therapy or even surgery may be recommended in more severe cases, but there are some excellent natural cures out there.

It’s good to know what home remedies for tennis elbow exist and can help to bring relief to the individuals suffering from it.

Home Remedies for Tennis Elbow:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

The intake of Omega-3 fatty acids can help with this condition and any that are similar or related to an arthritis of sorts.

Ensuring you receive proper levels of Omega-3 fatty acids through supplements and foods rich in it act as a home remedy for tennis elbow.

This will help with the pain and inflammation associated with the condition.

Eating foods such as salmon, olive oil, avocado, and walnuts are excellent natural forms of the nutrient.


Eating celery is not only good for your diet, but an excellent home remedy for tennis elbow.

Not only eating the vegetable but using it as a natural juice can provide some excellent benefits.

Celery helps with the associated inflammation and pain and is thought to be one of the most helpful natural cures possible for this condition.


In this instance, eating potatos is not the necessary activity. Taking a warm potato and turning it into a pack that is used directly on the source of the pain can act as an excellent home remedy for tennis elbow.

The heat of the potato and the nutrients absorbed will provided almost immediate relief to the individual suffering from the symptoms.