Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation is when you don’t get enough sleep.

Chronic sleep deprivation will cause you to be tired during the day, fatigued, have memory and concentration problems, clumsiness, and either weight loss or weight gain.

Not getting enough sleep over time adversely affects your brain and cognitive functions, reducing emotional intelligence and constructive thinking skills.

If you have health problems like fibromyalgia, diabetes, blood pressure disorders, and other problems the lack of sleep will exacerbate those conditions.

In the United States sleep deprivation has become one of the most invasive health problems with concerns that the average person in America sleeps one and a half hours less than people normally did a century ago. Experts summarize that this widespread sleep deprivation affects the overall creativity and brainpower.

Natural Remedies for Sleep Deprivation:

There are many natural remedies for sleep deprivation. Including the process of how you prepare for bed. It is recommended that you work to reduce stress a few hours before you go to sleep by turning off the TV and computer in order to participate in activities that will allow you to decompress and relax.

This would include reading a book that is not controversial or stimulating, to knit, work on a puzzle, or by listening to soft music.

You should reduce both the lighting in your home and the noise level. Research has shown that lighting from computers, video games, and your smartphone will mess with your sleep-wake cycle.

Calming exercises such as yoga can be done right before bedtime. They will help relax both your body and mind. You should watch what you eat and drink within eight hours of bedtime. Avoid caffeine, chocolate, spicy and high-fat foods, or anything that will make it uncomfortable for you to relax and go to sleep.


This herbal supplement increases GABA levels in your body which can reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. The longer you take valerian, the more it helps as the sleep-inducing effects increase over a several week period. Recommended dosage for treating sleep deprivation with Valerian is a 450mg capsule taken an hour before bed.


This nonessential amino acid helps your body maintain a healthy central nervous system. Glycine may allow you to fall asleep faster, plus it may help with rapid eye movement or REM sleep cycles. Follow the dosage found on the supplement bottle.


Hops or Humulus lupulus is a member of the Cannabis family. This ingredient is used primarily in the production of beer. But as a supplement hops works as a natural sleep aid and sedative. The antispasmodic properties of hops will reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation. Hopes supplements are available in capsule or liquid form. Follow dosage instructions on the supplement bottle.