
Senility, which is also known as dementia, is not a singular disease.

These are blanket terms meant to describe a large group of conditions and their symptoms that can impact a person’s social and intellectual abilities so profoundly they get in the way of normal, daily functioning.

Senility is generally caused by changes in the brain or certain conditions that impact the brain itself.

There are a number of symptoms that are commonly associated with senility. They include such things as:

  • Memory loss
  • Inability to communicate or difficulty with communicating
  • Loss of motor function
  • Personality changes
  • Inappropriate behaviors
  • Hallucinations and agitation.

A variety of conditions can actually be to blame for the development of senility.

Most conditions tend to strike people as they age and generally do require medical intervention for at least a diagnosis.

Once this is done, a home remedy or combination of natural cures can help suffers learn how to get rid of senility or at least lessen some of its symptoms.

Senility can be caused by such progressive diseases as Alzheimer’s, Lewy body dementia and vascular dementia.

It can also be blamed on conditions such as Huntington’s disease, brain tumors, heart problems and more. In some cases, senility can be reversed and many of its symptoms can also be treated with home remedies.

The risk factors for senility can vary greatly because of the many diseases that can cause symptoms. Age, family history, use of alcohol, smoking and other similar factors can all play a role in development.

Natural Cures for Senility:

Medical treatments for senility exist and can be effective, depending on the exact cause of symptoms.

In addition, some home remedies can help people in their quest to get rid of senility symptoms.

Some of the more common natural cures include:

Environmental Manipulation:

This home remedy calls on patients and their caregivers to compensate for memory loss and other symptoms by taking certain actions that can help.

Carrying a pocket calendar to remind you of appointments, for example, isn’t a natural cure per se, but it can help a person with senility stay on task.

Other measures can include establishing a routine, maintaining calm in a home environment and using other devices to make daily living easier and more stable.

Vitamin E:

This natural cure has been shown in some studies to slow the progression of such conditions as Alzheimer’s disease.

It must be used in proper dosage as large dosages can prove dangerous.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

The oils found in fish and nuts are among the natural cures often recommended for senility.

They are essential for brain functioning and can prevent and sometimes combat senility.


How to remove senility or its symptoms is the question many people ask and turn to this herbal extract.

It is thought to slow the progression of memory disorders and is among the more popular home remedies for senility.