Honey vs. Raw Honey

Honey is something most of us have in the kitchen pantry— it is packaged in a variety of ways, such as an animal-shaped container or a jar. However, did you know that the majority of honey we buy from the grocery store is processed in such a way that most of the natural benefits have been stripped away?

It’s not to say that all honey you purchase in stores has been “ultra-processed”. In order to get the benefits of honey, you need to look for brands labeled as organic. Honey sold from a farmers market or health food store generally contains more of the beneficial properties than the processed honey you will find at the grocery store.

Raw Honey

Now, if you haven’t tried raw honey, you should give it a shot. It’s packed with lots of natural goodies and has a more complex, sweet taste.

Raw honey is pure and not ultra processed – meaning it doesn’t lose its nutritional value. Raw honey contains bee pollen and when purchased locally it can help prevent and lessen sensitivity to pollen allergies.

Raw honey contains beneficial minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and Propolis. It’s a natural energy source, can help boost your immune system, improve digestion, heal wounds, and can even be used as a natural cough syrup. This is not where the list of benefits ends! Raw honey can even help with acne and help hydrate your hair.

Do not give honey (of any kind) to infants, because of the risk of infant botulism.

Home Remedies Using Raw Honey

Below are some home remedies for you to consider using raw honey. They are relatively easy and quite beneficial.

Sore Throat/Cough Remedy

  • 2 teaspoons raw honey
  • Fresh squeezed lemon juice

Directions for Use

  1. Put honey in a bowl and heat in the microwave safe bowl until liquefied.
  2. Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the bowl of honey.
  3. Completely mix the two together then using a spoon, take the mixture.

Raw honey will soften over time when stored in a warm location and will not need to be heated long, start with 10 seconds. If the raw honey you are using has not softened, microwave at 50 percent power. How long will depend on how hard it still is. Start with 20 seconds.

Adding the lemon is optional but lemons have their own antibacterial properties and lemon adds a nice flavor.

My dad used this remedy for us kids, he’d have us tilt our heads back a little and let the honey slowly trickle down our throat until we had to swallow.

If you do heat the honey and use the lemon, make sure it is not hot when ingested.

This is not recommended for children under the age of one.

Minor Cuts

This home remedy has been around a long time. Your mother or grandmother may have used it on you as kids when you fell and got a cut and skinned your knees or elbows.

Honey is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal so it can be beneficial in wound healing.

For minor scrapes and cuts, apply warmed honey to the area and wrap with a strip of gauze or band-aid. Reapply daily as needed.

Upset Stomach

Just a spoonful of honey makes the tummy feel good. The next time you have an upset stomach, try a spoonful of honey by itself.

Taking honey in small amounts should be safe, but if you have any kind of bee-related allergies, check with your doctor.

To get all the benefits raw honey has to offer, try going to your local farmers market or a health food store (instead of the grocery store). When you buy local honey, you’re not only supporting your local farmer – you’re getting a high-quality product with more antioxidants, amino acids, and antimicrobial properties.