Liver Detoxification

The liver is the largest organ in the body and is responsible for regulating metabolism, flushing out toxins, removing excess fat and filtering everything that we eat, breathe and drink.

To have an unhealthy liver can lead to a myriad of health problems and afflictions, therefore it is essential to keep our livers functioning and healthy.

A great way to do this on a regular basis is by using natural cures at home for natural liver detoxification.

Causes of a Toxic Liver:

Many factors such as poor diet, alcohol and drug abuse, exposure to chemicals in the home and workplace and medications can contribute to a “toxic” liver (a liver that has accumulated fatty deposits).

While some things such as prescriptions are beyond our control, there are many natural cures that we can use at home to correct the problem.

Symptoms of a Toxic Liver:

If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you may benefit from a home remedy liver detoxification plan:

  • Stomach fat (“spare tire”) and cellulite
  • Frequent night waking/ insomnia
  • Sensitivity to alcohol and caffeine
  • Yellowish tinge to the eyes and skin
  • Heartburn or reflux after eating rich foods
  • Metallic taste in the mouth and bad breath
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain

Natural Cures for Liver Detoxification:


We are what we eat, and this is especially important when dealing with liver health.

Liver problems are inherent in those who eat high fat, low fiber diets, as well as those who don’t get enough vitamins and minerals through eating fresh produce.

An easy home remedy to detoxify the liver is to adopt a diet high in fibre, and low in saturated fats.

This means avoiding red meats and sticking to fish, nuts, seeds and cold-pressed oils (like olive oil) for getting our dose of “good” fats.

It is essential to include plenty of fruits, vegetables and filtered water to further flush out fatty toxins that have accumulated in the liver.


Liver detoxification in any form needs to be accompanied by some form of exercising.

Even gentle exercise helps the body to release blockages and flush out toxins to kick-start the liver into action, and there are even some exercises that act as a natural cure to liver problems.

  1. Liver massage- Lie down on your back in a relaxed position and place your fingertips lightly on the liver area. Gently push upwards towards the ribcage to gently but effectively massage and exercise the liver. This should be done for a few minutes a day.
  2. Yoga- Yoga has many positions that specifically act as natural cures to liver problems. Learn the liver-cleansing twist, standing liver massage, liver-cleansing breath and liver leg lift to start.
  3. Walking- Walking a minimum of 3 miles a day acts as a massage and realignment to the internal organs, including the liver.


Milk thistle is probably the most well-known herb used for liver problems.

It contains a high number of flavonoids (antioxidants) that are especially useful in protecting the liver from toxic chemicals found in our environments.

Other herbs that can aid in liver detoxification are:

  • Dandelion,
  • Chamomile
  • Licorice

Benefits of Doing a Liver Detox:

The importance of the liver in our body cannot be stated enough.

By using home remedies and natural cures to detoxify and maintain the health of our livers we can expect increased energy, weight loss, less back pain and fewer allergic reactions to our environment.