Inducing Labor

From old wives tales, to tried and true natural remedied and home cures, any woman who has gone past her due date, knows why so many women are looking for safe, natural remedies to induce labor, rather than having to have labor induced with pitocin in a hospital setting.

Pregnant women should always consult with their medical professional before trying any home remedy.

Home Remedies For Inducing Labor:


A natural remedy to induce labor in full term pregnancies is through nipple stimulation releases a natural form of pitocin, the drug used in hospitals to induce labor. This naturally occurring hormone is called oxytocin. Either you, or your partner, should stimulate your nipples by rolling them between the thumb and forefinger for two minutes. Rest for three minutes and resume stimulation for two minutes, until uterine contractions begin. Repeat as necessary.


Prostaglandin is a naturally occurring substance found in sperm. It is commonly accepted that prostaglandin can aid in ‘ripening’ the cervix, and aid in inducing labor in full term pregnancies. Not only is prostaglandin good to ripen the cervix, orgasms in women can start uterine contractions that start the real contractions of actual labor.

Natural Herbs:

There are many herbal remedies known to aid in inducing labor and stimulating contractions, in full term pregnancies. These can be found in any health food stores, but it is not advised to take any herbal remedy without consulting a medical professional, midwife, or physician.

Castor Oil:

Castor oil, taken orally, or as an enema, has long been a home cure for past due dart pregnancies that have become uncomfortable. Castor oil, as a natural remedy, encourages bowel movements, and works as a laxative. Castor oil tastes very unpleasant, and can be mixed with orange juice to make it more palatable. Take no more than two tablespoons, since large amounts of castor oil are poisonous.

Blue Or Black Cohosh:

Tincture of black cohosh and black cohosh tea, have been used as a natural remedy to induce labor, but these forms run the risk of infant heart attack and hemorrhage. There are homeopathic forms: Caulophyllum (blue cohosh) and Cimifuga racemosa (black cohosh) which do not have these adverse effects, and are said to work well as a home cure for past due pregnancies.