Head Lice

Head lice, also known by the technical name of Pediculosis or louse, are very tiny, wingless insects. These insects are often found infecting the scalp area. Most often head lice are found on children, as they play closely together at their preschools and elementary schools, making the spread of the insects easy. However, head lice can affect adults as well as children, since the lice can spread simply by touching a person already infected.

Although some believe head lice can be spread by sharing hats, brushes, combs, head bands, and other items that are worn or used on the infected area, this is not the way most lice are transferred to a new scalp. Head lice do not live long after they have left the scalp area.

In is not uncommon to find head lice on other animals, as well as on humans. They are a skin parasite that suck blood from the skin of the scalp and attach their eggs to the hair found there. The eggs of head lice are referred to as nits.

Commonly found behind the ears and around the nape of the neck, there are often no symptoms associated with the beginning of a head lice infestation. As the nits begin to accumulate, you will see dandruff-like white flakes begin to appear at the hair base. When the number of lice becomes greater, intense itching will be a common symptom. If the adult or child scratches the skin of the scalp until the skin breaks open, a secondary bacterial infection can occur.

Home Remedies For Head Lice:

There are many home remedies for head lice that have been used over the years. Some of these natural cures been proven to be effective, while some have not. To get rid of head lice, you can try the following:

Tweezers And Comb:

The home remedy which is approved by the National Pediculosis Association is simply using a lice comb or tweezers for removing the live lice and the nits. Although extremely time consuming, it is the most effective home remedy for getting rid of head lice. Going through the hair, removal of all the live lice and nits you can see is completed. Many times this home remedy takes several days, as it is not likely you will get all the lice and nits during one removal session.

Anti-Lice Shampoos:

These over-the-counter shampoos can be used to kill all of the live lice found on the head. As with the tweezers and comb method, this may take several days since the shampoo is not able to kill the nits found on the hairs of the scalp. Many times the shampoo home remedy is coupled with the tweezers and comb method.

Vaseline Or Cooking Oil:

A natural cure for head lice which has been used often, but may not be as effective as it appears, is the covering of an infected scalp with Vaseline or cooking oil. In theory, those using this home remedy believe they are smothering the lice and stopping the infestation. This may be true, but the actual remedy being used is truly the tweezers and comb method, as it takes a lot of scrubbing to get the Vaseline and cooking oil out of the hair once applied.