Fever Blister

Fever blisters; also known as cold sores, is caused by the herpes simplex virus -1, an infection that tends to attack the facial area, most especially around the nose, mouth and eyes.

This virus causes small, and often painful, fluid filled blisters on the outside of the mouth, lips, cheeks, nostrils and chin. The blisters will eventually crust over as the healing process begins.

A fever blister is spread through close physical contact like kissing.

Sharing of contaminated materials like towels or kitchen utensils could also transmit the virus.

The HSV – 1 infection is chronic and can be reactivated throughout life. Fever, infections and a weakened immune system may result in fever blister outbreaks.

Natural Cures for a Fever Blister:

A fever blister can be painful and irritating. The symptoms usually last for one to three weeks.

Although the infection is temporary there are many home remedies you can utilize to get rid of a fever blister.

Petroleum Jelly:

There are many methods to heal a fever blister.

Petroleum jelly applications prevent the infection from spreading while shielding the affected area from bacterial infection.

It is also a good way to speed up the healing process.


Lysine is an essential amino acid for healthier tissues in the mouth. Studies show it is an effective home remedy for fever blister outbreaks.

L – Lysine supplements are usually available in 1000 mg tablets. Take this supplement three times daily for fewer outbreaks, faster healing time, and milder intensity of the symptoms.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil contains antiviral properties that break down the lipid or fat layer surrounding the virus.

Take at least one tablespoon of organic extra virgin coconut oil daily.

You can also apply the oil directly to the fever blister.

The moment you feel a tingling sensation in your lip area, apply some coconut oil before the blister appears.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide is another natural cure for fever blisters.

It is used to cleanse and disinfect the cold sores.

Put hydrogen peroxide on a Q – tip, and directly apply it to the blister.

Vitamin Supplements:

Vitamin C and bioflavonoids have shown to reduce the frequency and duration of fever blister outbreaks.

Vitamin B complexes can also help manage stress, which decreases the reactivation of the HSV – 1.

Vitamin supplements strengthen the immune system which prevents the frequent outbreaks of fever blisters.

Foods to Avoid:

It is recommended to avoid salty, spicy, and acidic foods as these can only worsen the symptoms or extend the healing time of a fever blister.

Avoid chips, chocolates, nuts and citrus fruits like tomatoes. They irritate the fever blister and increase the pain.