Dog Bite

A dog bite can happen at any time, even from the gentlest of dogs. Dogs are still animals and if you provoke them in any way they may lash out and bite. This is especially scary with kids as they don’t always realize their limits and they are, at times, the victims of dog bites.

If you are faced with a situation where somebody you love has been on the end of a dog bite, knowing how to treat it can be most important. It may be a good idea to seek medical attention if you have received a dog bite. This is especially important if the dog bite was received from a dog that you don’t know.

It is also advised that the dog be examined to be sure that it is up to date with their shots and in good health. Once you’ve assessed the situation, and sought out treatment it can be quite important to ensure that you take whatever measures possible.

Natural Cures for a Dog Bite

There are some excellent home remedies for dog bites that can either be used instead of or in conjunction with medications that you may receive from a doctor.

Clean the Bite

It’s highly important to wash off the dog bite immediately and gently with warm water and soap so that you can get rid of the dog’s saliva which can contribute to a possible infection. After the wound is clean, apply antibiotic ointment then a clean sterile bandage. Repeat daily.

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is a good choice for skin care. For a dog bite, it can be used to prevent bacterial infection. Cover the bite with the manuka honey then wrap in gauze. Leave on for several hours.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B has a lot of great and very helpful properties. When it comes to finding a natural cure for a dog bite, this can be a great help. If you want to get rid of the pain and fight off any possible infection, taking Vitamin B can be an excellent home remedy for a dog bite.

Vitamin B can help to build up antibodies within the body and this can help to fight off any possible infection.


The supplement goldenseal can be helpful as a natural cure for a lot of health conditions or ailments, but it is especially true for a dog bite. Taking goldenseal, particularly immediately after the dog bite can be an excellent home remedy in healing the wound and helping it to remain pain free.