Crohn's Disease

Crohn’s disease is a chronic disorder that causes inflammation anywhere in the intestinal or gastrointestinal tract, usually in the lower portion of the small intestine called the ileum, but can also occur anywhere from the mouth to the anus.

It is believed that the immune system in people with Crohn’s Disease, mistake microbes (bacteria found in the intestine) for foreign or invading substances. As a result, the immune system launches an attack. An attack of crohn's disease occurs when bacteria and viruses aggravate the immune system into activating abnormally. The onset of crohn’s disease can be very sudden and dramatic. White blood cells are sent to the lining of the intestines, where they produce chronic inflammation. These cells can be damaging, often leading to sores or ulcers that can break through to the surrounding tissues.

Common symptoms of crohn’s disease include cramping abdominal pain, persistent diarrhea, rectal bleeding, fever, loss of appetite and weight loss. The symptoms of crohn’s disease can range from moderate to severe and appear intermittently, occurring anywhere from every few months to every few years.

Crohn’s disease may also cause nutritional complications and malabsorption. Crohn’s disease can become extremely dangerous or even life threatening if left untreated. Bowel function gradually deteriorates, and the risk of cancer may increase as much as twenty percent.

The causes of crohn’s disease are unknown and a relatively small percentage of people in the United States (1.2 to 15 cases out of 100,000 people) are affected. Scientists speculate that environmental factors, genetics and immune system problems could be among the causes.

Crohn’s disease is difficult to diagnose due to the similarities to other intestinal disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Ulcerative Colitis. There are no known natural cures for crohn’s disease, so the goal of treatment is to the control the inflammation, relieve the symptoms, and correct the nutritional deficiencies.

If you suffer from Crohns disease or know somebody who does, you are likely aware of just how painful it can really be. This disease starts as an inflammation of the intestines and usually initially affects the lower part of the intestine. As the disease worsens, the pain becomes worse as the walls of the intestines thicken over time.

Though the severity and symptoms vary by person, the pain is undeniable. People who suffer from Crohn’s disease may grow used to the painful flare ups that they have but it can make for a poor quality of life. In the most extreme cases, the condition may likely even interfere with nutrients being absorbed by the body for proper organ function.

Though there is no known cause for Crohn’s disease, learning to manage the symptoms and the associated pain can become essential. As people fight to lessen the impact or frequency of the painful flare-ups, they often turn to medication.

It is highly recommended to seek medical advice if you feel that you are exhibiting the symptoms of Crohns disease to get a proper diagnosis. While there are some helpful medications that can help to manage the pain, they can also be taken with proper home remedies for Crohn’s disease.

Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Crohn’s Disease

Avoid Histamine

People living with crohns disease are more than likely to be histamine-intolerant (HIT). People with HIT should avoid dairy foods, fish, hard sausage, pickled cabbage and yeast products, which are all high in histamine. By the same token avoid substances for which you may be allergic to (such as gluten) and tissue becomes irritated when exposed to the allergen. 

Vitamin D

A study reports that increasing intake of vitamin D may help reduce risk of relapse of Chron's Disease. Participants took either 1,200 IU of vitamin D in supplement form or a placebo pill once daily for 12 months. By the end of the study, only 13% of the vitamin D group had suffered a relapse as compared to 29%of participants in the placebo group).

Flaxseed Oil

We see flaxseed and flaxseed oil turn up as a natural cure for many conditions, and so too is it quite helpful for Crohn’s disease. Taking flaxseed oil each and every day can be helpful in repairing the digestive tract, allowing the flare-ups to lessen and the pain to subside a bit.

Eliminate Refined Carbohydrates

Eating foods that are high in sugar or refined carbohydrates is believed to have a link to Crohn’s disease, so eliminating these foods from your diet can help you to get rid of Crohn’s disease or at least the lessen the symptoms. Replacing foods such as white rice and pastas and sugary cereals with whole grain versions can be a huge help. It can also be helpful to add in non-acidic and fresh vegetables in place of the sugary foods such as carrots and spinach.

Aloe Vera Juice

If consumed daily, aloe vera juice can aid in digestion, improve circulation and detoxify your body. The laxative effects of aloe vera will improve the efficiency of the colon.

Vegetables & Fruit

Recent studies have found that broccoli and plantain are beneficial in stopping or slowing the development of Crohn’s disease. The plant fiber slowed down the spread of E. coli, which could protect the development of Crohn’s.

Boswellia Serrata

Boswellia serrata has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that produces therapeutic effects similar to ibuprofen and aspirin. Boswellia is the only substance known to decrease the pro-inflammatory enzyme known as human leukocyte elastase (HLA).