Cold Sores

A cold sore (or fever blister as some people refer to them) are lesions on or around the mouth or lips. It doesn't matter your age - teenager or adult - a cold sore has no preference. As there are lots of people that get cold sores, there should be nothing for you to be embarrassed about.

They blisters can be painful and often times filled with fluid. There are certain conditions that can make the onset of a cold sore much more likely to happen such as: stress, pregnancy, an injury to the lip or mouth, or hormonal changes.

Though an individual can certainly seek medical attention for a prescription medication, it’s not usually necessary. When you feel as if you might be getting that tingly sensation that one may be about to erupt, start treating right away and you may be able to keep it from lasting so long.

Natural Cures for Cold Sores

As uncomfortable as they are, a cold sore will typically clear in two weeks. Thankfully, there are some excellent home remedies that an help heal them.

Tea Bag

Dipping a tea bag in hot water and getting it to a touchable temperature is an excellent starting point. Taking the warm tea bag and putting it up to the site of the cold sores can help to ease any pain.

Using a warm tea bag can also work well as a natural cure for cold sores as it helps to get rid of them a lot faster.

Apple Cider Vinegar or Tea Tree Oil

A great home remedy for many issues, here again it can be used to treat a cold sore. Simply dilute apple cider vinegar with water and apply to the affected area with either a cotton swab. You may also use tea tree oil in the same way. Be sure to dilute a bit so these do not irritate the skin.

Lemon Balm Extract

Taking a trip to your local health food store can again be very helpful when it comes to finding effective home remedies. Get lemon balm extract and apply it to the sight of the cold sore. Not only will this work as a home remedy for cold sores, but it will also work as a natural cure to help you get rid of them a lot faster.

Keeping a Proper Diet

Foods that you eat can act as triggers for the onset of cold sores, therefore learning what you can and can’t eat can bring you quick relief. Avoiding foods that are highly acidic such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, or those that are high in salt can help in the prevention of cold sores.

Avoiding coffee and tea can help too as a natural cure towards the prevention of cold sores. Eating a diet rich in Vitamins A, C, E, and zinc will work well as a home remedy for cold sores and keep your system balanced to prevent them from coming back again.