
Blemishes may not seem like a serious health condition, but that doesn’t lessen the impact that they have on an individual.

For a variety of reasons, blemishes may appear on your face and you can be left feeling insecure and embarrassed.

Blemishes can occur as a result of acne scars, excessive sun exposure, or just as part of any hormonal imbalance or health condition.

Whatever the reason, blemishes are something that most people want to remove or at the very minimum reduce dramatically.

There are a growing number of over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, and even online solutions that come with mixed results.

If you want a more natural cure for blemishes that not only help to minimize the effects of those you already have but help to reduce the likelihood of them appearing, then you are in luck.

There are some rather simple but highly effective home remedies for reducing the appearance and the recurrence of blemishes.

Take a look around your house and you just might find some of the most wonderful natural cures for blemishes.

Natural Cures for Blemishes:

There are some rather simple but highly effective home remedies for reducing the appearance and the recurrence of blemishes.

Take a look around your house and you just might find some of the most wonderful natural cures for blemishes.


Lemon in a variety of different forms can be the very best weapon in battling blemishes.

There is a natural lightening agent within lemon that puts it at the center of many home remedies for blemishes.

First and foremost, using just lemon directly on the skin at the site of the blemishes can be the very best natural cure for blemishes.

It will help to lighten and virtually eliminate the appearance of blemishes.

Lemons can also be mixed with a variety of things to act as a helpful home remedy as well.

  • Taking a lemon peel and adding a bit of sugar to it will allow it to act as a natural cure and a real exfoliating agent for blemishes.
  • Rubbing the sugared lemon peel on the site of the blemishes can help them to lighten in appearance and remove the blemishes altogether.
  • Lemon juice can also be mixed with tomato juice for a powerful concoction of battling blemishes. This combination can be applied through a cotton ball directly to the site of the blemishes and will lighten the skin around the site of the blemishes and ultimately remove the appearance of them altogether.


Potato juice is a natural bleaching agent and therefore can be used all over the face to reduce the appearance of current blemishes and the likelihood of recurrence of them whatsoever.

  • Take raw potatoes and after wrapping in a cloth, squeeze out the juice into a container.
  • Mix this potato juice with honey and a touch of lemon juice and then use as a face mask.

This face mask should be left on the entire face for about twenty minutes for optimal results.


Soak almonds in water overnight and then peel to form the basis of an excellent paste.

Mix these almonds with honey and lemon juice for a face mask that should be used every day.

This wonderful home remedy can help to keep your complexion clear and avoid the onset of blemishes in the future.