Some Tips for Making Glycerites

A glycerites is a herbal preparation made from soaking herbs in glycerin to extract its medicinal properties.

The purpose of glycerites is to preserve medicinal drinks and to prevent against bacterial growth.

They are often used in place of alcohol in tinctures and other remedies for a more natural solution.

Using glycerites in herbal remedies is a way to make these tinctures more palatable for both adults and children for whom the taste of alcohol or sweet syrups is not tolerated. Making glycerites is not a complicated process.

Here are a few tips on how to make your own glycerites for your own herbal remedies.

Equipment Needed:

You don't need expensive or complex equipment in order to make this simple ingredient for herbal remedies. All you will need is a pot in which to boil water, a heat-proof sealable glass (such as a canning jar), and other basic kitchen equipment such as a measuring cups and a strainer. A coffee filter or a piece of cheesecloth will also be needed.

Basic Instructions:

  • Creating the glycerite is a relatively simple process. To begin, you will need to create a mixture of about 60 percent boiling water and 40 percent glycerin and pour it over your herbs; a jar full if you're using fresh, or about an ounce if you're using dried.
  • If you are using dried herbs, be sure to grind them to a fine powder before adding the water. Cover the jar and allow the herbs to steep for about a half hour or more.
  • Strain the mixture through a coffee filter or cheesecloth to exclude the herbs. The liquid can be set aside to use in your tincture.

Other Notes:

Your resulting glycerite can be stored in a cool, dark place for a year or more. It should be kept in a tightly sealed container. Glycerites can be taken directly using a spoon or dropper, or they can be further diluted with water for easier consumption.

You can also add a few drops of essential oils to the glycerite to enhance the healing properties or to make the solution more palatable. Some suggestions include lemon or spearmint.

Making your own glycerites can help you make your herbal remedies easier to take -- especially when dealing with children. They can also ensure that your homemade remedies are all-natural and do not contain alcohols or other harmful products.

This is a guest posting from Charissa Newark who is the resident blogger for at After graduating from the University of Maryland with a B.S. in English in 2005 and unable to find a "9-5" job, Charissa began freelance writing and doing research for various websites.