Prevention is the Best Medicine

It can be very easy to reach for a bottle of pills whenever pain presents itself, especially if medication has worked in the past. Rather than immediately relying on a pharmaceutical cure, consider the message the body is sending.

The root cause might be dehydration, exhaustion, hunger, stress, being over caffeinated, or a combination of those triggers, all of which can cause pain that can generally be prevented with ease.

While seeing a doctor is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, it may be possible to avoid an unwarranted visit. Before enlisting a team of medical specialists, try some of these preventative measures to avoid further pain or illness.

Natural Cures for Common Conditions


Dehydration presents most obviously as thirst. When dehydrated, the body can become overheated easily. Additional symptoms include muscle cramping, feeling lightheaded after standing up too quickly, constipation, dark urine, and/or headaches.

The simple cure is to avoid caffeinated drinks (they further dehydrate the body) and drink small amounts of water, e.g., a few ounces every 30 minutes or so, to keep the body hydrated without overdoing it.


With busy schedules, it can be easy to become overtired. Signs of exhaustion include irritability, nausea, hallucinations, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, and memory loss.

Though each person is different, a good guideline is to get upwards of seven hours of sleep each night.

The body can only go and go for so long. Though life often comes with a variety of demands, allowing ample time to rest is paramount for preventing health issues down the line.


It’s important to eat on a regular schedule. Small meals every few hours will keep blood sugar at proper levels and help prevent hypoglycemia.

Obvious signs of hunger include headache and a growling stomach, but be mindful of days when hunger doesn’t obviously present itself. Sticking to a ‘food routine’ will keep the body nourished and the ill effects of hunger at bay.


Stress can be the root of numerous problems. It can lead to fatigue, painful menstrual cycles, nightmares, or dental issues caused by clenching or grinding teeth. While not all stress can be avoided, it can be reduced with preventative measures like exercise, meditation, and journaling.

Taking time for the self is crucial to alleviating stress, even if that “me time” needs to be scheduled on a calendar like a work event.


It can be very easy to overdo it with caffeine, especially when overtired. Excessive caffeine consumption results in irritability, heart palpitations, insomnia, and headaches, all of which can be prevented by incorporating healthier drinks into one’s diet.

Suggestions include caffeine-free tea or water, which can be ‘livened up’ by adding citrus, herbs like mint, or berries. Increasing water intake will benefit the body in its daily functions, many of which are reliant on proper hydration.

Though eating regularly, getting enough sleep, and drinking plenty of water sound like simple cures, their benefits can clearly not be overlooked. Listening to the body is the first step in improving one’s health and figuring out what’s wrong before medicinally eradicating an issue that is bound to return. Problems that persist should be discussed with a doctor but knowing that many symptoms and ailments can be eliminated with relative ease can alleviate or prevent them.

This is a guest posting from Derrick Cruise at Eat Breathe Blog/